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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The ANSWER: Robotic Whales

Yes, and they are impervious to disaster; both natural and manmade.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

whale yin ... whale yang

whale yin .... whale yang
I'm not sure if this painting is upside-down or not.   I was inspired by a tile mosaic I saw from Pompai. Whales seemed to make sense in the yin-yang theme, so I played with the theme.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Ha Long Bay Vietnam

    Oil Painting   Chuck Kuhn

nature heals nature

nature heals nature
because it can
and there's nothing more important going on ...

a white reindeer in the "endless days" of Arctic Summer

Daily Life, Vietnam II

    Captureed outside of Hue.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

End of the Day

    Hanoi, Vietnam


poro= reindeer  (in Finnish)

cooler thoughts for a hot summer

Opening-Ha Long Bay

Another escape for a new beginning

...Finally the spaceship commanded by captain Takeshi Honda is leaving the Ëarth at a prudent-long distance, escaping right before the end, an Ëarth which blows in implosion, autofolded like a deflated tangerine due to terminal unintelligence in the digital Spock Tabula, which controlled the magma under -1ª Veira: the eyes of the 11, last survivors of a planet which disappears in collapse see the red body burning down one side to turn into bläck, swirling at monstrous speed: the night and the cosmos swallow the ignited Hell, the last flaming residues of what once was La Tierra...

11 years took, 11 years to prepare the escape from an announced end, for the captain Honda and his 10 men, 11 with him; preparing with patience the spaceship, occult in the pluvial jungles of Hokkkaido, 11 men during 11 years, it took.

During the cold Hokkkaido winters, the 11 men lived in to the already built spaceship, conversing and drinking nice cups of hot chocolate: the always sharp and alert Japanese mind could foresee the final disaster, because the captain Honda had access (by chance) to certain scripts from 1972, left by the professor Moto Kawasaki: due to logarhythmic calculus, Kawasaki determined the terrestrial aberration translated in to final collapse for the year 2.111, 11 years before 2.111, captain Honda and his men, who were 10, 11 with him, started with the "escape project" the rest of the world, especially in the west, the Kawasaki calculi, also called "Kawasaki fraud", were deemed "pure bullshit, carved by a decadent Anime onanist", or as the professor Langley Chicley, from the Sheffield University called it: "urinal theories for monkeys".

The digital Spock Tabula never could suffer a collapse, they said, it was thermonuclearly impossible if the nominal Veiras were currently -1/2ª, and so it was for th last 80 years at least: the magmatic pustula could not suffer a superior deviation to the 4 or 5 in its "plump out" phase, which did contradict the Kawasaki theory so far: everything was denied and forgotten...

...While the last scorched and burning astral chips of the Ëarth get finally out of sight, the captain's Honda mission enters stratospheric space, to shift finally toward an unexpected destination...the Sun?

At high-speed the spaceship needs to pass too near to the burning ambition of the lion-star, the Sun, which combusts with blinding light: effectively: this dangerous road is needed to reach an easy way out from the -still- powerful magnetoacustic waves from the Ëarth's stratified atmosphere, which whirls in a centripetal mare magnum, ready to its dissolution...the spaceship was built in fireproof material, also its windows, everything which is hermetically sealed, to save any vicissitude.

The terrestrial danger is practically avoided, though another peril comes closer: according to its speed, captain Honda nd his 10 men (11 with him), would reach the solar sphere in 11 minutes, scary fact which takes Honda to diminish the speed to a minimum: notwithstanding, the peculiar material the spaceship is built in acts like a sort of reciprocal-angular magnet with the Sun: the approximation couldn't be avoided now...

Effectively: in a few minutes, the fireproof vaisseau spatial is reaching the solar incineration, crossing now on through the immense, incalculably horrid flames: the spaceship is being taken toward the very core of the Sun by its own; NOW.

Now the space vehicle is going through the gaseous giant at prodigious speed: the impulse power are going to take them to the other side of the Sun's surface in 11 minutes, being hopefully ejected toward the ample outer space by the self-propulsion: the refrigerators are on; suddenly, the 11 men see themselves appearing out of the solar interior: a white beam inundates the cabinet with a light which doesn't allow to see anything than it. IT.

The 11 men scream in panic; they are crossing the superficial flames now, being the spacecraft ejected toward the stratosphere again, on through an universe of flames, away from that Hell...toward the blue and calm space which never ends...

Never ends.

The eternal-blue night of the cosmos leads them, like a silent whisper in calm now, toward their next step: Neptune, to get out of the Solar System...the self-fed reactors cannot let them down somewhere, they want to go anywhere, somewhere.

The eternal blue-night of the cosmos leads the 11, last survivors from an Ëarth which disappeared, flying in the blue calm of the astral night now: 11 minutes to Neptune...then, to go beyond, toward other worlds, toward other suns, as far as their lives can allow them to.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cruising Ha Long Bay

One many vessels docked in Ha Long Bay. Usually a 1 1/2 day adventure (overnight).

whaling error ...

time for a few small repairs ...
... meanwhile life is good on the surface
staying present and buoyant.

Friday, June 25, 2010

oil whales on target

It's just not a good time to be a water-mammal in the gulf-or soon enough ANY body of water,
... but don't worry, just as soon as all the feeble attempts at controlling the flow fail- then we'll get serious about halting this "problem". 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

J. L. Navarro: Oil raining down on River Ridge, LA...

J. L. Navarro: Oil raining down on River Ridge, LA...

Nordic crows in the oilslick rain...

The land adjacent to the Gulf is experiencing "oil-rain"
Just another step closer for BP's attempt to annihilate the Southern Civilization.
How long until that "oil-cloud" reaches Europe and beyond.......?                          
As Navarro's Blog put it- we've done a far worse disaster to ourselves than any terrorist organization could have done....and we're still chasing shadows in the Middle East cuz' why????

Hard Work-Smiling Faces

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Steps-Photo of the Day

                                             Hue, Vietnam

Saturday, June 19, 2010

blue whale on fire

blue whale on fire-too much petroleum spilled
in the water.
conspicuous combustion....

Friday, June 18, 2010

wave mammals

wave mammals...
they peek out between the waves,
then they're gone
whazzat? wherredtheygo??
they're there.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

whale skeleton

The San Francisco Aquarium
or  California Academy of Science
offers the behind the scenes tour
of the facility; I was given the opportunity to see "The Platinum Tour" courtesy of my Daughter and Son-in-Law. WOW. very cool.
The skeleton hangs from the ceiling.

Monday, June 14, 2010


I'm in San Francisco, minding my Grand-puppy and prepping to do some serious gardening work. Hot, hot weekend, but cold, cold Monday.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


honu is "sea turtle" in hawaiian.
honu  also means earth
honu is about the story of creation in many cultures
underwater the honu is as graceful as a ballerina.
heartfelt and amazing to behold

Thursday, June 10, 2010

heart within a heart within ...

sometimes it seems so clear
the protective layers of the heart:
they go beyond protection;
by insulating everything (away).
simply recognizing this opens the first layers...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

humpback takeoff

"humpback takeoff" acrylic and enamel pen on board  6"x 6"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

soul on fire

(first page in a new journal)
soul on fire
how do you know if your soul is on fire?
follow the smoke, i guess...

Monday, June 7, 2010

hermit whale heart

you can't hide forever in that heart of yours
come on out and take a swim...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

the hole in the soul is filled...

quantum mechanics tell us that there is no "empty space"
all space has energy.
energy is life.
a "hole" is an opportunity to access more energy(life).
thusly, the hole in the sole is lifesource ...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

reclined to comment

oh oh the lazy daze of summer are here
if i could only get up.....

Friday, June 4, 2010

oily plume

the least happiest whales on the planet 
having to migrate around the infamous BP oil plume
and gee, the president of BP "wants his life back"
get in line doufus,
you should be the LAST person on the planet to "get your life back."

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

ben's circus

hooray for ben
hooray for the circus
boo for political-economic circus

[painting on collage]

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

missie mouse skull

mizz missie mouse skullhattop
lipstick and all
trace of eye shadow
you are a "looker"