Sunday, February 28, 2010
Antler Anchor
antlers seem to make good anchors if all you need to do is "snag" something. the next best thing would be an extension cord.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
jellyfish mix
Once "nested" there are certain environmental safechecks to weather. note: this is where it is helpful to have several close companions nearby.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
owl renested
I'm liking the direction the owl is taking here, the nesting concept seems to resonate with being comfortable in your own shoes.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The last great white hope

He was the last great white hope of his society, the one who would bring the dignity back: the Heaven sent who would wash all the affronts away.Everybody was waiting for his lit shade to bring it.
Don't ask me more.
In this, the society was a tribe: some factors demonstrate that which separates the human of a modern, and apparently well-structured society, from a tribal state, is just a couple of steps. Or of seconds, maybe.
Don't ask me more.
In this, the society was a tribe: some factors demonstrate that which separates the human of a modern, and apparently well-structured society, from a tribal state, is just a couple of steps. Or of seconds, maybe.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
above the din
A view from far atop the swirling clouds
maddening din well below the treeline
tranquil, yet not without the energetic hummm
like the motor is running nearby
far too spirited to tune out
I guess I'll jump back in
there is work to do.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Antlers and a safety pin; high atop the Met in NYNY on a clear day one could almost see the pile of antlers in Keystone, South Dakota, in the Black Hills, off the Badlands. The "Badlands"; what an unfortunate name is that? Apparently it was NOT a "goodland" to the many original owners of the antlers. The Safety Pin points a direct line to Keystone, and I'm certain many of those looking out Westward are perplexed as to where the antler wagon goes next: I know I was.
There is just something secure about the term "safety-pin." Hurry, let's all gather together under the "safety" pin, ah, yes, now I am relieved AND I feel so safe. It is good to have this so handy. Maybe more can be erected around the country, so we can all have the comfort of safety..... perhaps they should be placed around the entire globe. Maybe the elks would still have their antlers if they only could gather in safety..........
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
painting teepees

A little while back I was painting on all fours
for a feature called "HIDALGO'
We then went to South Dakota near the original site
of the Wounded Knee Massacre
Being there during filming was a deeply memorable experience.
All day, nonstop, the Sundance Ceremony continued.
Many of the extras were there to perform a "healing" while the
cameras rolled and stopped.
Early that morning as I was doing final prep, a large eagle soared
through the center of camp cawing his approval.
I revisit that moment often.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I found this little drawing in a journal from last year, nice surprise.
Today I am driving to San Francisco to paint my daughter and son-in-law's house. We are going to set up a silkscreen space in the studio, that will be cool. Well, only 800 miles to go. I'm looking forward to some time in the Bay Area. Maybe some creative painting too.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I reworked this one a bit after it developed some scratches, I am happy with the "reversion". It is acrylics painted on hardboard with a metallic basecoat. The water is also metallic. I really like the owl-in-a-lotus image. Intelligence and Serenity(?), ominous peace(?), give me peace or I'll peck your eye out(?). Maybe one of those, or not.
Monday, February 15, 2010

TIME ......... curious natural element. never enough or slow as molasses, flying by or suspended indefinitely. Accept it as it is, dread each moment, hurry it up, slow it down; RELATIVITY.
I believe time speeds up as we progress in age. Months are like weeks used to be, seasons are like months, years are like seasons-TIME is flying, I feel a sense of accomplishment if I can complete one thing in a day...... or a week. The Earth must feel that way about eons. "Oh, gosh, how the eons just fly by, where are those pesky little dinosaurs, anyway?" or... "remember how quiet it used to be when there were only amoebas swimming around?" ..................... I can relate.....
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
That's not always a bad thing. "Head in the clouds" is a contemplative state, an opportunity to let the mind 'air-out' as it were. It gives me the option of a new perspective, like a far-away mirror. Clouds so easily connect with other clouds, for me it is like connections are made that I have not conceived of, prior. Clouds are a great place to find the necessary relativity.
Friday, February 12, 2010
A little influence from morbidanatomy.blogspot mixed with my own obsession w/owls and the like. So many cool images and creative sites out there, its hard to limit the blogsearch time. Drawing has been real fun lately.
Morbid Anatomy
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The External is limited; gravity, winds, abundant heat, draught are all measures to contend with.
The Internal is limitless; soaring, calmness, comfort, liquid are measures to embrace fully.
I love that moment in deeper contemplation when gravity and physicality disappear for even a nano-second.
I am soaring ..................................... I connect with the Calm, I keep an image within. I try to keep that image within reach to use as needed. [painted in 2008]
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My Lens Snaps Cactii
I found this collection of cactii at the Huntington Gardens in Acadia, CA. Very tasty samplings throughout the gardens. The entire property is a fantasy gardenland, early morning visits are best to insure intimacy with the plants.
Huntington Gardens
List of Hotel in Karimun

- Padi Mas Hotel ; Pertambangan Road
- Rasa Sayang Hotel ; Ampera Road
- Holiday Karimun Hotel ; Trikora Road
- Paradise Hotel ; Setia Budi Road
- Paragon Hotel ; Nusantara Road
- Pelangi Hotel ; Teuku Umar Road
- Alishan Hotel ; Kavling Block A
- Erison Hotel ; Kavling
- Shangrilla Hotel ; Pramuka Road
- Horizon Hotel ; Setai Budi Road
- Satria Hotel ; Ahmad Yani Road
- Marina Hotel ; Pertambangan Road
- Taman Bunga Hotel ; Yos Sudarso Road
- Artha Hotel ; Pegadaian Road
- Purnama Hote ; Pelabuhan Road
- Wikoria I Hotel ; Trikora Road
- Wikoria II Hotel ; Seta Budi Road
- Lika Hotel ; Teuku Umar Road
- Asia Hotel ; Teuku Umar Road
- Tanjung Balai Hotel ; Nusantara Road
- Royal Hotel ; Nusantara Road
- Top Star Hotel ; Setia Budi Road
- Mitra Pesona Hotel ; Nusantara Road
- Megah Hotel ; Teuku Umar Road
- Mirama Hotel ; Ahmad Yani Road
- Puri Indah Hotel ; Ampera Road
- Balai Indah Hotel ; Setia Budi Road
- Family Hotel ; Teuku Umar Road
- Gabion Hotel ; Nusantara Road
- Gloria Hotel ; Yos Sudarso Road
- Indah Hotel ; Nusantara Road
- King Star Hotel ; Setia Budi Road
- Karimun Hotel ; Yos Sudarso Road
- Millenium Hotel ; Teuku Umar Road
- Nirwana Hotel ; Nusantara Road
- Nusantara Hotel ; Nusantara Road
- Sari Indah Hotel ; Ahmad Yani Road
- Super 888 Hotel ; Nusantara Road
- Taman Kelapa Hotel ; Pasar Pagi Road
- Wisata Hotel ; Teuku Umar Road
- Hang Tuah Hotel ; Pelabuhan Road
- Harmoni Hotel ; Pelabuhan Road
- Sederhana Hotel ; Trikora Road
- Gembira Hotel ; Usman Harun Road
- Mataram Hotel ; Usman Harun Road

List of money changer in Karimun

- Wira Karimun Kencana ; Trikora Road
- Dahlia Valasindo Jaya ; Nusantara Road
- Lintasan Pulau Karimun ; Nusantara Road
- Andrian Arta ; Nusantara Road
- Dahlia Valasindo ; Trikora Road
- Wira Sindo ; Pramuka Road
- Cakrawala Meral Abadi ; Setia Budi Road
- Karimun Jaya Valasindo ; Trikora Road
- Putra Kundur Mandiri Valas ; Pelabuhan Road
- Lintang Samudra Valasindo ; Yos Sudarso Road
- Kasturi ; Sudirman Road
Money Changer
List of Beauty Salon in Karimun
- Green Palace ; Ahmad Yani Road
- Diana Salon ; Nusantara Road
- Dea Salon ; Sei Lakam Road
- Kiki Salon ; Sei Lakam Road
- Boby Salon ; Sei Lakam Road
- Ummi Salon ; Ahmad Yani Road
- balai bersolek ; Bakti Road
- Sister Salon ; Nusantara Road
- Monalisa Salon ; Pelabuhan Road
- Slim Beauty ; Pelabuhan Road
- Linda Salon ; Pramuka Road
- Paulin Salon ; Sei Lakam Road

Beauty Salon
List of massages in Karimun

- Taman Gembira ; Sawang Road Tanjungbatukundur
- Ita Massage ; Pramuka Road , Tanjungbalaikarimun
- Sport Massage ; Pramuka Road, Tanjungbalaikarimun
- Ita Massage II ; Teuku Umar Road, Tanjungbalaikarimun
- Kenangan Massage ; Setia Budi Road, Tanjungbalaikarimun
- Segar Sari Massage ; Teuku Umar Road, Tanjungbalaikarimun
- Rezeki Padi Mas ; Pertambangan Road, Tanjungbalaikarimun
- Friends Massage ; Pramuka Road
- Sawa Deeka Massage ; Pramuka Road
- Spot II ; Setia Budi Road
- Fuji Massage ; Setia Budi Road
- Sakura Massage ; Pramuka Road
- Nirwana Massage ; Nusantara Road
- Italy Massage ; Usman Harun Road
- Pinky Massage ; Usman Harun Road
- Diana Massage ; Setia Budi Road
- Sawa Dika Massage ; Pramuka Road
- Best Massage ; Pramuka Road
- Dewi Cahaya Jaya Kusuma Massage ; Pertambangan Road
- Idola Massage ; Ampera Road
- New Rezeki Massage ; Pertambangan Road
- PP Vito Massage ; Pertambangan Road
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Funny that this mini-golf "park" is closed on weekends. It must do a ripping business during the weekdays. This is one of the many sidetrips our HIDALGO paint crew took on our Sundays off. Hardly on the beaten path, even though the path does look quite beaten. This place is only a few miles from the historical "Wounded Knee" site. I find it strangely symbolic of the emptiness that remains amid the Lakota Nation.
"Honor before Shame" leaves many holes in the country.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Favorite cloud? I saw it as I pondered the ocean.
Let's see, It's shaped like a ...........
a cloud?
an energy mass expanding condensing rising lowering
reflecting assimilating floating becoming moving high
points low points middle points holes wholes ............
like a thought;
if I could draw one on paper.
Let's see, It's shaped like a ...........
a cloud?
an energy mass expanding condensing rising lowering
reflecting assimilating floating becoming moving high
points low points middle points holes wholes ............
like a thought;
if I could draw one on paper.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
My drawings don't usually tell me where they're going.
I find myself there
when I'm done.
Sometimes, much later I figure it out: or not.
This one is a "not".
But that's okay.
I find it still a "comforting" draw.
Crown chakra at the tail?
Blue bird imitates an open lotus flower?
Oh well, today I'm on an important project;
I'm painting jellyfish in space.
Friday, February 5, 2010
DAN'S COFFIN [built by Sandy Sanders]
It's kinda cool having my own coffin
on my table in plain sight
It's like, "really, I'm not going anywhere."
"We are spirits in an immaterial world' ...
I've got my fauna, my watering can and my Golden Antler Crown
[After]life is good .....
Thursday, February 4, 2010
ENTER ONLY ....... like there is another action to do simultaneously as I "enter".
ENTER ONLY, one action at a time, after all, I'm only three people [one at best]
As I cautiously enter my life today, I will not dwell on yesterday [nor tomorrow]
ENTER ONLY, there are goals to be met, lists to check off, actions to be taken.
ENTER ONLY, deep into the pits of consciousness, adjacent to the soul of souls.
ENTER ONLY is the mantra of my daily destiny, ENTER ONLY ... enter only ......
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
cracked ...
yup, cracked.
that's how best to get to the real matter.
once seamless and unified
now, flawed with pieces everywhere
no band-aid needed anymore
let it stand as it is.
this is my Truth:
at peace
Sunlight shines on my soul.
this is good.
that's how best to get to the real matter.
once seamless and unified
now, flawed with pieces everywhere
no band-aid needed anymore
let it stand as it is.
this is my Truth:
at peace
Sunlight shines on my soul.
this is good.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Eastward facing
Winter sunrise, tasty sky.
the best way to start my day
is a slice of this sky
and a cup o'caffe.
I'm seeing clues to
finding an inconveniently lost soul.
Well, maybe not "lost"
altogether. Just not in
the usual cabinet with
the socks.
Today is Devon's birth day.
The world shook me that day,
............ still does.
Happy BD daughter-I Love You.
Winter sunrise, tasty sky.
the best way to start my day
is a slice of this sky
and a cup o'caffe.
I'm seeing clues to
finding an inconveniently lost soul.
Well, maybe not "lost"
altogether. Just not in
the usual cabinet with
the socks.
Today is Devon's birth day.
The world shook me that day,
............ still does.
Happy BD daughter-I Love You.
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