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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Druids' end


The story of the druids was the story of the Celts: magic-men, law makers and the wise reserve of the population, to consult either during the war, as during the peace, about the sacrifices and the esoteric rituals which put a mysterious astral equilibrium between the man and his environment: the blind forces of the nature, the Sun and the storm; the thunder and its lightning, the cold stars of the night, and beyond, the gods.

And the Celts (while these nations existed, because they were absorbed, and don't exist anymore), they had a strange, sick fascination for the trees...a druid could know and catalog each and every existing tree on Earth, and its derivations, the plants, especially all about the venomous and the medicinal.

And this obsession for the trees could take them to attribute those trees of the forests animal, almost human extravagant narrations about walking trees were told by the bards; trees that had legs and, during the Holy night that cannot be named (or whenever they wanted to), they stalked the pilgrim along the desolate path...

On the other hand, existed an usual superstition about pregnant maidens, presumably inseminated by trees: the tree followed the maiden at night furtively, stalking around her home, and when she went to bed, during the Summer nights, the tree entered on through the open windows and penetrated her during her sleep, after the intercourse, the tree escaped running along the meadows, screeching with sibilant noise...the child without a father was always called "the son of the trees", or "the child of the forests", and deemed property of the cold and humid jungles: the trees would come for him, sooner or later...the son of the forests was consecrated to be druid, only way to avoid the trees kidnapped him: the trees couldn't touch him anymore, since the natural laws did forbid it.

The druids, as the young Celt warrior, used to decolorize their hair and beards using quicklime and herbs taken from the soil, astonishing spectacle for the Roman erudite was the sight of those terrible red manes, which in fact were intended to scare the enemy...but as the druid reached his senior age, his hair and beards turned into snowy white; notwithstanding their appearance and outfits hadn't that noble solemnity as they usually were represented by the moden artistes: their appearance was hairy and tremendously untidy.

The Roman proconsul and writer Pomposius Erectus narrated strange chronicles about certain events related to this...near to the French coast, close to the city which today is known as Bordeaux, there was an island: Île d'Oléron; a maiden found herself lost during one Summer night, late in the forests, she felt so sleepy and tired because of the heat and the narcotic essences of the wood, that she fell asleep under a tree (botanically unknown)...

She had rare nightmares, during her sleep she saw luminous corridors opening themselves under her pace all along the forest...voices whispering words about the future, and nothing about the past...when she did wake up under the solar mildness of the noon, she knew (instinctively, unknown) that she was pregnant.

She begged to a druid to help her, and to extract this son of the forests from her womb; but the drüïd could not do that, since the natural laws did forbid it.

But she begged and cried so much, that finally the druid accepted to help her...

The ceremony started in the forest, as soon as the Sun disappeared, and the Moon was up in the sky: the druid started dancing madly backwards around the tree, throwing Holy water at the trunk, and whispering an oration, which was echoed by the night wind...after a while, he marked a pentagram around the tree, and started shaking his head like a raving dervish, and dancing madly backwards around the trunk, under the panic of the distant, cold stars: the Universe was beholding him.

He danced in ritual trance for hours and hours, and right before the dawn, when the first and thin Sun rays started painting the celestial tomb with horrid pink traces on through the west clouds, then the exhausted druid sucked the maiden's vagina vigorously, on and on until extracting the sweet sperm helped by magic, spitting it violently on the Earth, close to the tree's roots...the roots absorbed the sperm with a guttural noise, then, the solar disc appeared...

To compensate the natural laws, the maiden's womb should be filled again, otherwise it would be aberration; the process was completed with blowjobs, titfuck, cunnilingus, analingus, vaginal and anal sex all along the morning; so the maiden was replete with cum again, and the natural forces were pacified.

Nobody knows how the druids disappeared, perhaps they disappeared when their peoples were absorbed by the Roman and Germanic element; chronicles say that the last druids were absorbed by the forests' trees, turning both into a same thing: trees/druids, druids/trees.

Others say that they simply descended slowy into the entrails of the Earth, and weren't seen anymore.
