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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Microscopic essay on scatology

Nothing in the least will make me think differently: the scatological matters, or the turd in itself, it's something more noble than we think, even reaching hills of aesthetic grace, and erotic esoteria, dear reader: what would be more delicious than receiving a cuntfart while sucking a nymph's twat? Or maybe, receiving merely her shit on your face, while licking her round anus?
The excrement may be, as well, matter of ethnographic-religious pride, for instance, and according to Macrobius, the Greek gave the god Kronos the nickname "Sterculeus", which comes from "stercus", meaning shit, crap, or in other words, for those wise Greek, Kronos was the supreme shitter, unsurpassed anal voider, inenarrable defecator, always victor, in the virile exuberance of his excreta, notion that linked the celestial Olympus with the sad mortals by means of the intestinal product.

Personally I deem only worthy of attention that stool which is heavy and categorical, loud in felicitous farts when falling down, warm in joyous steam when appearing, vigorously aromatic and infused with spirited odours, with a slightly wooden appearance, luxuriant in the florid voluptuosity of its bombast, hardened like a log, and content in its own hugeness, that's shit ladies & gents, don't come to me with morbid droppings, with soft and silent excretions, with anemic, almost diarrhoeal pieces, no: I want my bowel movements merry and passionate, extravagant, I want the pieces long and phallic, with little pieces of bean or rice encrusted in it, a real alarm for the olfactory nerves.

I need the release to be riotous, buoyant, almost sexual in its copious and jocund abandon, or as Lord Beaconsfield once said:

"The shit of a real man, a man that manages Empires, it shall be heard from a distance, and certainly smelled from the colonies."

On the other hand, my dear friends, the classic literature it's saturated with scatology, which seems to be one of our last taboos, curiously, or maybe we're more conservative than we think.
Personally my first pleasure in the mornings, is releasing a massive, succulent, heavy, smokey; insane shitload on the throne, reading Rabelais.