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Monday, December 10, 2007

Me & You

This blog is about our lifes together in SL, becasue we can not be together in RL for now.

Our life in SL started February 27, 2007

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We been together cyberly speaking for two years.

We got married for the fourth time on

November 02, 2007

I love him very much

In this blog I would like to post what goes on in our lifes

In World (SL)

We live in the Region of Kimhae

Where we have a club


We also have a Photo studio

and a Store

We recently adopted an Idea that Anthony had for a long time

We Build the Yalin Estates

Consisting of Town Houses

The Town Houses are Located

in the Region of Noul.

We try to be as happy as we can be


Today my face is on the SL Enquiere..

Follow the link if you dare.


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