Elizabeth Cade was 39, single and with that lively glitter -that some women have- in her green eyes.
Uff! These parties of the London gentry in the latest 1800's! So hypocritical and boring...the screaming breast gets careless lifted when some gentleman passes by near, lady Cade...
Nobody seems to pay attention to a mature, second-hand aristocrat; the Liz dress shines marron glacé under the yelling illumination, she's a princess!
Her round tits throw signals, she's so cute.
Regardless of some delicious wrinkle in the sides of her mouth, that unabated attractive of the 30er chicks...
While the hours went by, and the etiquette, and the champagne running, lady Cade realised that someone was watching her.
It was lady Marianne...
lady Marianne Romani was a common girl, married to the count H..... blonde, radiant in her sweet 27 years old; her blue eyes were staring at Liz, hungry, devouring her; lady Marianne...
With a discreet gesture, lady Marianne left the big hall, followed a little later by Liz. Nobody noticed about them both.
...Both women met each other in a lonely corridor, far from the guests; and going into one of the many chambers, they started kissing each other with an over-flowing passion, kneading their bodies, dressed yet.
Lady Cade sat down on the huge-soft bed, and lady Marianne started getting the Liz dress up, and sliding her white underwear, started licking her juicy cunt, licking passionately the exposed, brilliant clitoris...
The long, brilliant and brown hair of Elizabeth shone under the light, while sighs of pleasure escaped from her mouth: lady Marianne's cunnilingus was hot enough to make Liz bend her back in wild abandon, backwards.
Marianne, on her knees, just was given to give her lover pleasure, sucking and licking the lady Cade's vagina, caressing her thighs, like silk...
The tongue worked well on the Liz clitoris, giving her hot swirls of delight; her blonde hair was caressed by lady Elizabeth; lady Cade...
Marianne licked the cunt lips in circles, as if it were a wet fruit, over and over, like a nasty bitch, to attack the erected clitoris again. While the sucking got more intense, Marianne caressed the Elizabeth turgent hips; the wide open mouth of lady M. sucked without any check the whole peach of Liz, making her caress her own boobs, with a desperate pleasure, driving her into a hellish climax...
With her back laid on bed, kneading her big boobs, lady Cade burst in a sticky orgasm in the Marianne lips.
Getting up, lady Marianne took her dress off with hot delicacy, while lady Elizabeth was taking the girl's lace underwear off, as well. The Liz hands caressed and rubbed the Marianne's vagina, introducing her five fingers, while Marianne extracted a belt from a handbag...
It was a dildo-belt, with two enormous rubber cocks: Liz, still sat on bed, kept on masterbating Marianne, who was standing behind her eyes, like a flaming Venus fallen from the sky; while Marianne was adjusting the belt on her waist, introducing one of both dildoes fit into her delights' fig: then Marianne sat down on the bed.
Lady Elizabeth sat down on her lover, fitting the other cock deep into her cunt.
Both women were face to face, one over the other with their vaginas full, and lady Liz started moving her hips, riding Marianne; while Marianne possessed the Liz butt with her hands.
Liz began fucking Marianne deep-down, both rubber cocks, completely wet, sliding profound into their cunts, while the huge Liz boobs swayed with the movements of the fuck.
The Liz movements became more ardurous and fast; her buttocks choked against the Marianne's thighs: in that moment, both were women, bothe were men, and Liz was the active one, fucking hot and wild her lovergirl...
Breathless and furious, Liz introduced her fingers in her own cunt, to masturbate herself and fuck Marianne at once, riding her vigorously, filling her of pleasure...the sexual exercise made the bed sway rhythmically, while in the big hall the guests kept on partying.
Afterwards, lady Cade and lady Romani returned to the hall.
These parties are so boring...
Elizabeth Cade was 39, single and with that lively glitter -that some women have- in her green eyes.
Uff! These parties of the London gentry in the latest 1800's! So hypocritical and boring...the screaming breast gets careless lifted when some gentleman passes by near, lady Cade...
Nobody seems to pay attention to a mature, second-hand aristocrat; the Liz dress shines marron glacé under the yelling illumination, she's a princess!
Her round tits throw signals, she's so cute.
Regardless of some delicious wrinkle in the sides of her mouth, that unabated attractive of the 30er chicks...
While the hours went by, and the etiquette, and the champagne running, lady Cade realised that someone was watching her.
It was lady Marianne...
lady Marianne Romani was a common girl, married to the count H..... blonde, radiant in her sweet 27 years old; her blue eyes were staring at Liz, hungry, devouring her; lady Marianne...
With a discreet gesture, lady Marianne left the big hall, followed a little later by Liz. Nobody noticed about them both.
...Both women met each other in a lonely corridor, far from the guests; and going into one of the many chambers, they started kissing each other with an over-flowing passion, kneading their bodies, dressed yet.
Lady Cade sat down on the huge-soft bed, and lady Marianne started getting the Liz dress up, and sliding her white underwear, started licking her juicy cunt, licking passionately the exposed, brilliant clitoris...
The long, brilliant and brown hair of Elizabeth shone under the light, while sighs of pleasure escaped from her mouth: lady Marianne's cunnilingus was hot enough to make Liz bend her back in wild abandon, backwards.
Marianne, on her knees, just was given to give her lover pleasure, sucking and licking the lady Cade's vagina, caressing her thighs, like silk...
The tongue worked well on the Liz clitoris, giving her hot swirls of delight; her blonde hair was caressed by lady Elizabeth; lady Cade...
Marianne licked the cunt lips in circles, as if it were a wet fruit, over and over, like a nasty bitch, to attack the erected clitoris again. While the sucking got more intense, Marianne caressed the Elizabeth turgent hips; the wide open mouth of lady M. sucked without any check the whole peach of Liz, making her caress her own boobs, with a desperate pleasure, driving her into a hellish climax...
With her back laid on bed, kneading her big boobs, lady Cade burst in a sticky orgasm in the Marianne lips.
Getting up, lady Marianne took her dress off with hot delicacy, while lady Elizabeth was taking the girl's lace underwear off, as well. The Liz hands caressed and rubbed the Marianne's vagina, introducing her five fingers, while Marianne extracted a belt from a handbag...
It was a dildo-belt, with two enormous rubber cocks: Liz, still sat on bed, kept on masterbating Marianne, who was standing behind her eyes, like a flaming Venus fallen from the sky; while Marianne was adjusting the belt on her waist, introducing one of both dildoes fit into her delights' fig: then Marianne sat down on the bed.
Lady Elizabeth sat down on her lover, fitting the other cock deep into her cunt.
Both women were face to face, one over the other with their vaginas full, and lady Liz started moving her hips, riding Marianne; while Marianne possessed the Liz butt with her hands.
Liz began fucking Marianne deep-down, both rubber cocks, completely wet, sliding profound into their cunts, while the huge Liz boobs swayed with the movements of the fuck.
The Liz movements became more ardurous and fast; her buttocks choked against the Marianne's thighs: in that moment, both were women, bothe were men, and Liz was the active one, fucking hot and wild her lovergirl...
Breathless and furious, Liz introduced her fingers in her own cunt, to masturbate herself and fuck Marianne at once, riding her vigorously, filling her of pleasure...the sexual exercise made the bed sway rhythmically, while in the big hall the guests kept on partying.
Afterwards, lady Cade and lady Romani returned to the hall.
These parties are so boring...