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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Safe European home


Safe European home girl, dream on, don’t stop dreaming; because to dream it’s easy: the people won’t stop, the world will keep on turning
keep in mind that there is not a blue sky all the time
And there is not a Moon like you, nor a Sun with your brightness.
Today: wake up; the time will erase it slowly; the time will heal
Because the time it’s a stranger; as a stranger I am in your street. And in the others’.
Searching for the horizon I left any land behind; and hadn’t a flag or a home to call it mine own
Maybe you’re the last piece of land that I have; the last flag; the last anthem: didn’t you realise that this world is not for me? (not for you for me for you for me)
Didn’t you realise that I’m a no land’s man? Because all the rains will call me a stranger, till the end of time

If you ask me, I’d answer that to be lit by that warmth is all I need
If you ask me, I’d answer that I’d stay by your side; silent like a smile
Or maybe recurrent like a memory; till the end of time.
Till the end end of time.
