According to our files, the terrestrial day 2/2/2222, a final spaceship was sent to the Sun; the inhabitants of the once called Earth almost disappeared because of mysterious causes, that they called diseases.
Is argued until today if were 200 or 20 the last survivors of the Earth who sent the spaceship: apparently didn't remain other intelligent animals on the planet, but them.
Is not important what happened with those 20 (or 200) survivors who stayed on the Earth...probably they died soon after the rocket was sent...
The rocket was sent with 15 (some specialists say 150) males.
They were the last sample of their species, or what we commonly know as Adamites, or Terracottites (they used to call themselves humans).
The rocket was sent to the Sun, as I stated before, Sun which, as you know, is that extremely distant planet we see in clear nights, without necessity of telescopic cerebral insertion. Curiously the Adamites called it Sun, as we do, though with little local variants, according to their primitive tribes, for example sole, sol, soleil, sonne; etc.
Actually our knowledge about these primitive beings is not complete yet, possibly in some years we will know if they communicated themselves mentally as we do, fact that is very probable.
But back then, The Sun was in ignition, as you know, therefore they did not settle their spaceship directly on the Sun, just on a near planetoid, that they called Aphrodite.
That planetoid imploded long time ago...apparently (...) these males found an enigmatic way to reproduce themselves without females, and experimented shortly this male-to-male insemination, but they had to escape, some time later, when the planetoid was bound to implode...
Is unknown where they went, though.
We have certain details about the last moments of these Adamites on the planetoid, right before their escape, and the subsequent implosion.
The exact quantity of time they stayed on Aphrodite is 11 of what they used to call years, according to the way how they measured the planetary cycles.
11 years are approximately 3.6 of our chipolats.
As it seems, during the last garchas (what they called weeks), the weather of the planetoid turned into unbearable: the excessive closeness to the Sun was overloading Aphrodite with fototas and protongos, nocive radiations that made the temperature go mad, until the 67º grück (90ºc for them), everything was burning on the planetoid.

They installed, in those 11 years there, some antennas for solar observation...

...but the investigations were abandoned during the eleventh "year", the last one: the ardour of the Sun got so intense that some of them lost their mind, and used to run enraged across the arid prairies of Aphrodite, imploring and adoring the huge ball in flames, that was extremely near, and it was frying their brains.

Luckily enough, the atmosphere of Aphrodite allowed them to breath normally, almost like on the "Earth".
The Aphrodite nights were hot and short, and multitude of dangerous animals appeared, when the unbearable heat of the day was momentarily gone: the terraqueous had to defend themselves from these tremendous beasts, most of them huge and lethal toads, as big and fat as their spaceship: these giant toads ejected venom from their mouths, though their meat was delicious: the Adamites used to hunt them down.

During the minimal night, the Sun still was seen, in all its huge dimension, though its light was cold and tenuous, then: this planetary phenomenon still is unexplained for us.
Data suggest that the planetoid was inhabited by a little civilization when the humans arrived, though is sure that didn't last: they exterminated it soon, probably.

The Sun, after the long twilights on that brutal land, was just an eclipsed, near and huge sphere turning at high speed in the hot nights, still giving its bestial heat...
At least one man (armed with a primitive weapon they called laser needle) had to stay out, keeping the spaceship safe from the toads...many times furious toads walked until the spaceship, and started shaking it with bestial rage with their abdomens, until they were shot down.
The abdomens were full of a yellow and sticky semen that splashed everything around when the toads exploded: the Adamites said that the toads were full of mayonnaise, unknow term that seems like an insult, or maybe meant something abstract, or religious for these savages, the term, mayonnaise is still unclear for the scientists, possibly its meaning is deeper, astral perhaps.

Some horrible nights there were eclipses (it happened quite often), and the aspect of the sky was tenebricose. It was a terrible land, extreme, monstrous.

The dawns were abominable: the heat was so intense and the light so blinding that some of these humans started getting hallucinations and oligophrenia, due to excess of light.

Besides of the spaceship, they built a dome, with silicon.
Into the dome they had computers, and could calculate the variations of temperature in the cunt of the Sun: the hottest region of that horrid globe on fire was the clitoris of the Sun.

Also they built a small satellite, which only was used in the short nights, to calculate the ardency of the anus of the Sun.

Apparently on the anal and vaginal rings of the globe were verified unseen temperatures.

During the day, the dome received the solar emissions directly, rejecting them by means of a mirrorized dispositive.

Later, were built a couple of smaller domes in silicon, where the Adamites lived, having conditioning air and bedrooms.

Missing the sex with Adamite females, they built many prototypes of synthetic females to fuck; the prototypes were built in silicon, like the domes.

These love cyborgs had soft cunts and huge breasts, they were so realistic that soon the Adamites got infatuted with them, dedicating most of the time to fuck.

The days were more and more ardent and unbearable, and the terraqueous were totally lost in their erotomania, they were getting delirious, and some of them died by heart attack, due to the excess of sex.

During the last year, the Adamites were so over-erotized that they were totally controlled by the sexual desire, fucking the silicon prototypes all day and all of the night non stop, and some more died exhausted...

Yes, the heat was unbearable, and they were getting like animals; those days were strange...
The eleventh day of the eleventh year at the eleventh hour there were two eclipses at the same time, the temperature reached the 110ºc, everybody found shelter into a subterranean tunnel of the biggest dome, that was especially fresh...

...notwithstanding, at this stage, most of the Adamites were semi-insane, into their world of silicon orgasms and fried brains, someone got out of control and switched the levitation mode into the dome...they were flying...raving, everything was collapse, dementia, madness, nonsense, football...

...soon, that same night the alarm was activated: the planetoid was in collapse, the countdown to the implosion was on: some escaped by means of ejecters toward the ample cosmos, in the direction of a planet they called Mercury.

...just a little while after, the spaceship was leaving Aphrodite, escaping, with only 4 male survivors, and 25 babies and children, who were born in the planetoid (because they discovered the male-to-male insemination)...

Is unknown where they went, them, the last humans in the Universe; and is unknown if they finally were extinguished, or...found a way to survive?