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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dimension Hatröss

The captain Alf Willie Chevrolet left the Earth in 2099, and he swore he never would come back again; his plan was minutely studied for years, while he kept it in secrët, his plan was to leave the Earth forever, to leave the Earth, because he was tired of the Earth; his plan was to leave the Earth forever, forever nevermore...long years studying the extra-planetary conditions turned him into an expert, although his plan wasn't very clear -it never was-, and his desire wasn't to settle in a certain planet, but roam, never stay in a same place, to roam forever; forever nevermore.

When his family knew about his plan, they deemed it insanity, dementia, impossible: he didn't listen to them, e was decided...two mates swore to accompany him in secret, both were astronauts in the NOSA, like him: Lita Ford, and Peppe Ferrari; the decision was absolute and definitive: the 1/1/2099, at midnight, the 3 friends entered the hangars of the NOSA in Oklah...and stole a small spaceship: Chevrolet, Ford and Ferrari escaped from this world in the night! A HAHAHA!!!
This is the last photo of the captain Chevrolet on Earth, 5 minutes before the f-flight:

...And also a picture of Lita Ford, taken by himself:

Peppe Ferrari refused to be portrayed, because of superstitious reasons though.

The voyage was ok, though Ferrari got envious when Ford and Chevrolet started fucking secretly in her cabinet; Ferrari demanded 2 weekly blowjobs from Ford, and she accepted and gave him 17, because she was feeling a bit energized by the outer space no-atmosphere.

The first stopover was in the planetoid C-Ctop, name they gave it because its shape was like a cucumber, and it was only 3 km2.
In C-Ctop they made an orgy, but Ford was exhausted of double penetrations, and asked to go on, so that they left C-Ctop quickly...

After several weeks of astral travel and Greek-styled blowjobs, the spaceship landed on Madusa, planetoid that belongs to Andromeda, and that presumably was desert.

One night, the captain Chevrolet walked alone by the terrain of the planetoid with no trust, every 7 or 8 steps he turned violently his back and saw around him; Chevrolet left his 2 mates in the spaceship, they would be sleeping already, probably...the night was calm, maybe excessively calm, but a nondescript, disquieting murmur seemed to be heard every now and then...a distant, almost inaudible sound that looked like rats screeching...what could be that?

The night was calm in Madusa, its red sands did fly with a wind that didn't come from Heaven...the night was wind and silence; though the silence was not absolute...

Suddenly a glassy scream cut the night in two, it was a scream of the captainess Ford coming from the rocket: Chevrolet ran to the spaceship, alarmed for the shout, some machinal, cyborgian; totally inhuman noises were mixed among the Ford's screams.

When Chevrolet arrived to the spaceship's hall, the spectacle paralyzed him: a square, huge and silvery automaton come from the nothing was raping Ford anally; her screams of excitement got mixed with her screams of pain, because the robot's cock was very big and steely.
The strange apparatus emitted a sibilant, metallic buzz, like the noise of an engine, which was due to the automatic movement of its penis...Ford and Ferrari (who just woke up, alarmed for the mechanical loudness and the human shouts), both jumped on the cyborg, but the machine had a monstrous power, and pushed both men away against a wall of the rocket, as easy as if they were two kittens. Ferrari and Chevrolet knocked their heads against the wall because of the tremendous shove, and lost consciousness.

When both men regained consciousness, neither the automaton nor the captainess Ford were there: Ferrari & Chevrolet jumped out of their spaceship, to search for their mate, something terrible could have happened to her, that obnoxious automaton was excessively endowed and could annihilate Ford by sex excess perhaps, or maybe could strangle or dismember her, or simply mince her and feed its automaton-dogs, or something.
Chevrolet & Ferrari were walking by that desert planetöïd during the whole morning, the day was cold and dry, as usually the days are in Madusa...approximately at 11 AM, when they were exhausted and thirsty, fed up of swallowing red sand that the wind made fly, Ferrari screamed alarmed: "a bunker!"

What did a metallic bunker do in the middle of a red desert of a planetoid lost somewhere into the Andromeda's galaxial spirals?


That was exactly what both men said to themselves, while they walked toward the silvery bunker, that sparkled like an argent conch under the closest sun: Percivale.
Percivale was a mid-sized sun, which due to the special conditions of the Madusa's atmosphere, looked like green-esque for thë human retina: the sky of Madusa, on the other hand, had an always pellucid and profound, luminous color blue, much bluer than any sky seen by the man's eye from the Earth.
Is difficult to explain how blue were the skies of Madusa, it was a saturated blue, not fluorescent, but so excessively blue that almost could not be seen directly without having a headache.
This color was due to the particular atmosphere combined with a radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 7.420 to 7.490 nanometers.

Under the rays of Percivale, Ferrari & Chevrolet arrived at the gates of the tenebricose bunker, one of its six doors was curiously open.
The bunker was a pyramid which did shine like the platinum, from the inside, eerie, background electrostatic radio noises were emitted.

...Ferrari & Chevrolet found themselves into a metallic corridor as soon as they entered the pyramidal bunker, the corridor was interminable, and many metallic doors were seen all along its cold walls...the shape of the corridor was tubular and the floor was like a cold-platinum grill, which sounded with a dry-steely noise at every step.

Captains Ferrari & Chevrolet walked during a long while, long minutes which turned then into hours, this was possible, how that corridor could be so long if the pyramid was not so big..?
As they kept walking, finally realized that that corridor had a descendent trajectory, this was so subtle and gradual that they didn't realize but long hours later...long hours while they were walking downwards, descending into the entrails of the infernal planetoid, Madusa...

Both astronauts were lost, lost in the unidirectional coldness of a silvery corridor without an end, totally estranged and stray, looking for their mate, Ford where they could, as they could, they didn't even know if they could get out of that place now, probably buried ito a metallic tube, kilometers and kilometers under the surface of a miserable planetoid of the Andromeda's system...suddenly Ferrari wished he was in NYC, Long Island, the 5th Avenue perhaps, or Paris, or maybe London, or even Uruguay, or Amazonia, or the worst shithole on Earth; but on the Earth!

He cried, cried bitterly missing the Earth and all its sweet miseries, and as he cried, Chevrolet cried too, and both fell down on their knees, exhausted on the metallic and rigid grill which was the floor of that satanic corridor. Still weeping in desperation and grief, Ferrari extracted an old-little book from his pocket, it was a "self-help" book, written by a Mr So-and-So Paulo Coelho, one of those small books he brought from Earth; the "self-help" was his favorite reading, holistic and motivational bullshit that he thought that helped him, guides to improve emotionally, beliefs and techniques which supposedly would operate on his psyche, poor idiot! HA HA HA!

Both men were lost into their sorrow, they didn't know what to do anymore, if keep on walking, or just come back on their steps...but as sometimes happens, in the middle of the worst distress, an unexpected event opened their eyes suddenly, while they were already lost and dead, for the Universe and for themselves: among a machinal noise that didn't come from Heaven above, but from the last abysses of the blackened Sheol, they seemed to hear the screams of Ford? Who else could be, there was another human female in that ghastly place..? Listening very hard they realized that effectively was Ford, somewhere close to that in-human, to that denaturalized corridor...and the noises that were heard among the Ford screams...that, it was that infernal machine??!!
Suddenly both jumped from their immobility on the floor and ran toward the noise and the scream, like blind ones they ran along that infinite corridor: the screams sounded closer at every step.

Finally they arrived, there was a metallic, oval door, which fortunately was not closed: panting violently both men did burst into the hellish room: what they saw congealed their blood: a scream of horror escaped from their throats.

Like in an image from the lower world of the dead, the captainess Ford's torso was hanging from a metallic harness turned upside down, her arms and legs were brutally mutilated, as she was anally and vaginally penetrated by 2 automata. As background for this bad scene, there was a huge video screen, where could be seen the beastly act in a spectacular "close-up": the room was full of shouts, hüman screams of repugnance and terror, and the deafening buzz of the relentless machines, which were shattering the sex of Ford, although she was alive, the interface of the cyborgs was burning and emitted a strong plastic and metallic smell.

At this point more aütomatä entered the nefarious hall and captured Chevrolet and Ferrari, proceeding to hang them, subsequently: their öwn mutilation was served...

From the distance, if some hüman ear would have hear all that, it would sound like one million enraged wasps being burned alive in their own nest.
If some hüman ear would have hear.
If some hüman ear.
But the avernal corridors of Madusa are far away from hüman ears
thousand light years away.

