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Saturday, March 5, 2011


...Then, while 1.001 plagues were roaming among the skyscrapers
the cerebral sea for the sons of Neptune announced with no words that I was...there, under that violent violet virulent sky that may suck all the mortals' vital energy, under that skyey sea...
in an imprecise time, in an imprecise space.

...Meanwhile, in the fountains of Olympus, in its clear waters, the horses of the goddess sweat, trembling after the race...the morning Star takes a bow, and disappears, dancing on the distant clouds of an imminent summer storm, He: Belzebub, the morning Star, temptation of the round-arid hills.

...Meanwhile, in the fountains of Olympus, the horses of the goddess sweat suddenly in front of me, where, where I am? What is this dream!
This Hell...this valley of bones.

Sinister shadows announce new presences in this park, my sweet; tired giants, sons of the firmament, violent, virulent, violet firmament
tired giants walk sacred whales, they come to die on these cliffs in flames.
On this valley of thunders.

...Suddenly, human-faced spiders start ascending over my legs in the mist, then over my torso, they are...climbing me?
I look at the diamonds, sons of the Aphrodite's vagina, they shine on the silvery altar, under a Sun that is not...
of this world.

...As the night comes, the spiders sleep on my face, I shall stay standing on the edge of this cosmic theatre. On this valley of questions.

The horrified stars screamed all night long from the distant astral womb
Running away from my face blessed by spiders and amorous venom
All the roses of the pincess turned into black in the park
On this valley of rotting bread and solar noises.

II: Day breaks

9 AM in the morning, and Rhea Silvia walks by the park, the skyscrapers of Olympus smile, and salute Her gracious majesty: she gifts Sun, and teaches prostitution to the daughters of the men
Her clitoris is Europe, Her soft buttocks are Asia, Her thighs are the Americas...I am standing in the cold of the blond Apollyon, the spiders abandoned my flesh with the morning light...while

111 giants die exhausted in the end, exhausted of devouring innocent bodies, exhausted on this hole of flames.
On this park of violence.

Zeus president appears flying, suddenly, on His platinum pelikan, everybody stops, everybody gets down on his knees with austere reverence.
Zeus president takes a careless look at His valley of skeletons, and drinks sweet blood, or maybe wine.
He smiles with the goodness of an old patriarch, and laughs. His laughter sounds profound and sordid...his beard now embraces the valley, I close my eyes, can't stand the view...

III: Afternoon and afterwards

I am standing on one of the skyscrapers of Olympia-Olympus, the argent polis of the dreams and the immortals...look at the Harpies flying down, a voice in the breeze talks in my ear, and says: "you don't need to be wise, to be immortal, look at the Harpies, observe how much ignorance runs in their blood".

And the voice said more: "They smell you, they want to fornicate you, you have to fornicate with both Harpies" "You will impregnate them with sad wisdom. They will impregnate you with immortality and glory".

As the talking breeze disappeared in the green-blue eye of Athena, the Harpies possessed me gently, with care, avoiding to rip my flesh, in double feature embodied as one...the clear waters of Olympia reflected the mute sky.
Their vaginas were like vaginas of women, so their hairs; their smell was sexual and wild, their wings had eyes.
Their thighs were like the horses' thighs, and their eyes were like lifeless grapes.

...As the wind danced close to the fireside, and the horses of the goddess recreated their erections among the holm oaks, the Harpies' flesh fucked my cock, until I did cum into their animal cunts. As my cum was shot with violence, they ripped my buttocks under the eye of Venus, and abandoned me, flying toward the eastern Sol.

meanwhile, meanwhile the trains transport fire and gold, and from the Olympus brothels, she-wolves, fragile women laugh and scream like hogs fried alive

They're all disciples of Aphrodite-nymphomaniac
she teaches them how to give pleasure to the men of the Earth

and she masturbates them
and masturbates her

and then she fucks them with virile dildo
and they fuck her anally

meanwhile Hera-Juno The Chaste offers Her juicy twat to Mars on Her marital bed
Her sex smells like cumin and sushi, because Earth and Heaven and Hell are slaves of Her vagina...

IV: Night and return

An insane ThunderBolt opens a New Sky for my eyes: I see myself reflected in the mirror of my own-self

The Valley of Hard Grimaces (this valley of holes) is brusquely lit by the Rampant Lucifer, returned

His heavy steps came to make all this Kingdom fade in fire, succumb, perish

Like the cycle of the re-generation

Because any thing that doesn't re-generate, is pathetic

Sharp edge of the corner of my lawless' street

Marginal cold and Night Horses are now invading the Olympus streets

Its Mediterranean, mild breeze is now substituted

By the black ray of tomorrow

Because we need to be absolutely modern.

As the cyber-carnival is coup d'etat and destruction on the nation of the dreams

And as Satan, the metaphorical, invades this city

This valley
this valley
this valley
this valley of shit
this valley of shit
this valley of shit
this valley of shit
My European valley of shit

I close my eyes to see: 1.001 plagues walking among the skyscrapers
The horses of the goddess are now corpses, Zeus president is a skeleton
dry bones, dry like the flat land of Israel

The flat and dark land of Israel.

...As the luciferine seraph blows a mute horn, under a violet violent virulent sky
as my dream is dissolved in the vigil

A delicate curtain falls on my eyes, the curtain
the curtain falls, as I wake up

That terrible curtain that covers our tremendous inner self
and all that you hide into the deepest shadows of your mind

It's what keeps you


...As the luciferine seraph blows a mute horn, under a violet violent virulent sky
as my dream is dissolved in the vigil...
