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Friday, April 30, 2010

Banshee eats a sour note...

Banshee eats a sour note...
It was tasty when it was wrote,
Tonal sweetness when it came out,
Took a turn without a doubt.

A tasty morsel, as I bit,
To my disdain it tastes of .......

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

spikey tire

this "spikey" tire is to commemorate my two tire blowout day on sunday,
if I only had a big-ass spikey tire like this-I'd been well on my way home by early afternoon...
but, who knows? I had some kind of unknown mission that evening.......

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

sharp eyes

hei, Sharp Eyes
... all the bitter to see you with my lovely...

Friday, April 23, 2010

The captain Simian & the galactic monkeys: mirror of illusions in the vaginal planet.


...Suddenly on Fructidor* of the year 22.002, the captain David Simian was sent in strange mission with 22 monkeys, from the planet Condomia toward a close [far] planet, called Aphrodite; planet where, as apparently was said, some Adamites were living a short time ago.

Rumours said that these Adamites suffered an erotomaniac crisis in Aphrodite, and they all succumbed victims of their own passion, and also many things more were said, which we could not reproduce here, for a matter of modesty.

The fact is that these Adamites [inferior race come from the Earth, aka Adamia], built some realistic female prototypes to copulate; the realistic beauty of these synthetic cyborgs, their huge, natural breasts and wide, round hips, turned the personnel into aroused animals out of control:the sexual passion lost the Adamites mind, whom fell victims of the vice.

The cyborgs were built on Brumario* of 21.998, and the Adamites dedicated that whole year to vicious sex, and already on Pluvioso* of 21.999, some of them were dead, exhausted because of the intercourse non-stop, some others lost their minds in an idealized paradise of erotic chimeras; raving in feverish reveries populated by nymphs whom made wild blowjobs, while received multiple penetrations; otherworldly visions of females, like ondines with 3 anuses and 4 vaginas, whom were massively fucked; furious unrealities of neverending coituses that finally lost their supposed that the ones that survived, rambled lost, across the deserts of Aphrodite, stray like the demented ones until an abrasive sun, and finally died of thirst and delirium tremens.

One thing is true: on Frígido* of 22.000, the last of them died; the planet was desert.

The captain Simian was sent to investigate about the possible technology left there by the Adamites, who also were called humans, in their own idiom. The 22 apes that accompanied him, were trained as astronauts, and also were experts reading the mind, finding laser sources, water, gamma, and valuable metals, besides of being excellent cooks, judo fighters and mechanics.

The 22nd day of Fructidor* of the year 22.002, the spaceship with David Simian & the apes was launched from the base in Condomia: the apes were supplied with enough cookies, semen of cachalot (vitamins), and a whole lotta dildoes for their amusement, to avoid the rape of captain Simian (the apes are highly lascive animals).

The captain Simian also was supplied with whiskey, raw meat, potatoes and an automatic machine that sucks cock, for his personal use.

After a journey full of penalties on through hostile galaxies, Simian and the monkeys arrived to Aphrodite, aka the vaginal planet on 3rd of Canicular* of 22.003, this is 3/3/3: the landing was brutal and the spaceship almost burst, fact that could have been dramatic, since Simian and the monkeys would have died carbonized.

The monkeys were sent first, to see if there was some hostile inhabitant yet, seeing that everything was ok, then Simian came out of the module: the sands of Aphrodite were pink, like a cunt...

Day after day, the captain David Simian and his apes walked by the soft & pink sands of Aphrodite; the weather was warm and the whole planet did smell like vaginal transpiration: the monkeys started getting nervous, and the captain Simian started using the mechanical cocksucker much more often.

The expeditions searching for the Adamites' dome were in vain, nothing could be found after long months searching: Simian & the monkeys used to spend 8/10 hours a day walking, and only pink sand, sand and more sand is all they found: sand, oceans of sand, a whole universe of pink-soft sand smelling like female intimate humidity: Simian & the monkeys were highly erotized.

Maybe it was because of the perfumed atmosphere of the warm planet, but the captain Simian realized about his permanent erection, same as the monkeys, who were every day more hours using their sexual vibrators: Simian almost couldn't have his cock flaccid but some few minutes a day, it was excruciating and he had to appeal to the synthetic blowjober every 30 minutes, but nothing quenched the invulnerable, permanent erections, not even 35 orgasms a day...the case of the apes was more desperating, having some of them even 70 orgasms a day: the apes started raping themselves, everyone was burning, the sexual ardour was unbearable.

The expeditions were suspended, and Simian and the monkeys dedicated the days to calm their passion with vibrators and sex toys; they were exhausted.

Finally one afternoon while he was masturbating, Simian saw on through the window of his cabinet a distant shining, something he never saw before since arrived to Aphrodite...


Using the telescopic cerebral insertion, Simian could observe a close up shot of the shining light under the Aphrodite's sun: the solar ardour was too much, though he clearly could behold two silvery domes: those were the domes of the Adamites he was searching for, and realized that just found them by chance; and they were two, not one...the binary computer of the telescopic cerebral insertion measured the exact distance was 13.331 kilometres.

The captain Simian started thinking for a moment how could he see the shining, if the domes were so far away..? Actually in the opposite side of the planet.

Obviously this was due to the Aphrodite's atmosphere, which keeps a constant maximum visibilty, and especially to the planet's shape, so different to others where he already was.

Nonetheless the Aphrodite's atmosphere was adequate for the life, did contain an admixture of rare gases, which were totally ünknown; gases that obviously gave Aphrodite its characteristic vaginal smell, permanent in its peculiar variety of oxygen.

Thinking on all this Simian forgot about his sexual arousal for the first time in months, fact that amazed him a little...


10 out of the 22 monkeys unfortunately died, because of heart attack, while the others 12 still kept a permanent state of sexual arousal; Simian requested to Condomia some pills to quench the sexual ardour; his own, and especially the apes', but the base in Condomia was several light years away, and the automata with the medicine would last still some time, no matter the propulsion was powered by Lidl rays, digital solution obtained by means of the atomic dissolution of solar fang, or "fango" (mud in their idiom).

The synthesis of solar fang was filtered on through an oceanic lens near to Condomia, and this produced a carbolic fusion, which processed by binary equation produced the Lidl effect.

...Fortunately, the 32nd day of Canicular* of the year 22.004 the automata arrived: two golden kyborgs bringing five capsulae containing capsulae containing capsulae containing capsulae that contained doses.

The automata were melt as the service was finished, as the central in Condomia ordered.

The combustion produced by the golden fire melting the automata, mixed with the Aphrodite's atmosphere, created a sort of pink cloud on a good portion of the planet during 8 days.

A cosmic storm [frequent in Aphrodite] dispersed the cloud toward the south side of the planetary globe, as it seems later it was synthesized into a mercurial tempest, provoking a hot rain which did last 3 weeks and 1/2.

As the monkeys and himself were more tranquil, thanks to the doses of carbondrexlerphamida ۞, Simian planned finally the march towards the abandoned domes, which could not be done walking, because it was too distant: a small vehicle for space truckin' would take them there on 12 wheels, though it would last 4 weeks and 1/8. Unfortunately more apes died, surviving only 5 for the travel.


The caravan did begin one dusty-yellow morning, the pills should be taken, and much water to stand the hard weeks in the desert: the whole planet was a desert...

Going ahead on a straight path, whose directrix was digitally underlined by the captain Simian's telescopic cerebral insertion, which featured a binary map, the caravan reached its first night in the wilderness...the nights in Aphrodite are profound, the darkness is intense, though the weather never gets cold, not even in the poles.

Monkeys & the captain could sleep that first night (first nights are usually crucial in many aspects), though Simian noted certain furtive noises outside the vehicle...maybe he dreamed of this, maybe were just aural hallucinations of the desert: a couple times Simian went out to see if there was some wild animal out there, but nothing was seen...

During the following daytime, the march toward the dome was fast, the vehicle crossed neverending dunes of pink sand, and the same happened during the next days; the journey looked like interminable.

One week went by, and two in the monotonous pink desert imbibed with an intense vaginal aroma: Simian & the apes were now in the southern hemisphere of a planet without seas.

Though with some stationary rivers: the rain on Aphrodite is rare, formed basically with violent summer's steam, electromagnetic storms that discharge brutal amounts of water in short minutes; the water that is not absorbed by the always burning sand, runs toward lower terrains, creating furious rivers, tha flow into lakes, until the evaporation of both, to start again.

The last week of the travel, one night, a metallic, little noise did wake Simian was like something biting the vehicle from the outside: quickly Simian jumped from his bed and ran to see who or what was out there: the vision of a fast-tall silhouette running into the darkness and disappearing did freeze his blood with horror...

Notwithstanding the huge panic, Simian went out with his personal needle-gun, and searched for hours using his cerebral capacitor-lantern to illuminate the zone: nobody was seen.


The last days of the journey were completed with many misgivings and fear in the Simian's mind, since the vision of that entity; the last nights in the desert were full of dense presages and rarefied feelings for the Simian's mind: he pretended that extravagant entities did fly in the sibilant wind; the least sound or 'click' turned his spirit into a chaotic ocean of improbable suppositions and feverish conjectures that, in his mind, were vivid and real, mostly augmented because of the psychedelic effect of the pills to fight the erotomania.


...Finally the day was come: from a distance could be seen, shining, the silvery domes abandoned by the Adamites: the unremitting solar luminosity crashed on the round edifices, like two tits being bathed with semen...the distance which separated the complex from the caravan was such 1 kilometre now, and then was 11 AM; the glory of the morning marked the path for the fast vehicle that ran across an ocean of pink sand...

Only two monkeys survived to see and enter the domes in the end, because of an enigmatic disease which affected the other apes, whom could not stand a viral invasion, possibly of extra-planetary origin [periodically waves of viruses invaded Aphrodite from the outer space, arguably coming from -even- warmer planets].

Few minutes later, the captain Simian and his two monkeys entered the first dome, after staying beholding it for a while, with a mixture of reverence and intrigue...

The inner walls were pink, same as the sands of he surrounding, interminable desert-planet, though it was a metallized pink, and though still warm, the interior was more fresh than the exterior, due to the high-oval ceiling.

Simian & the monkeys walked during some minutes on through a metallic corridor, which led toward a subterranean hall: a huge door stopped their march, though as soon as Simian laid a hand on it, the door was automatically opened.

What he saw therein subdued his spirit in amazement.


...Several hundreds of female humanoids were populating the large hall, they were like dolls, their features and bodies were so realistic that looked like living entities (Simian did think they even had pores): obviously these weres the female prototypes that ended with the Adamites' population in Aphrodite...Simian came close to one of these prototypes, caressed her, and observed her with attention: looked like flesh.

Simian felt suddenly aroused and decided to taste those honeys: first took the monkeys outside the hall, to proceed to copulate with a blonde prototype, which was lied on a plastic-pink bed...

Simian spent some hours inside the hall, fucking those kyborgs; apparently something changed into his mind during this time; notwithstanding finally came out of the hall and met the monkeys, then went to the other dome.

There he found some prototypes more, though the night was falling...he decided to eat something, and prepare everything to sleep: the apes were exhausted for the travel on through the desert, and so he was too.

Simian chose one of the dolls' halls as his personal cabinet, leaving the monkeys in a retired cabinet, quite far, which had two beds.

During his first night in the dome, Simian could barely sleep...the vaginal smell was excessive, intense, coming on through his window, coming from the desert; the prototypes disturbed and excited him every time more, the heat and, now, the arousal were unbearable, the pills were useless...

This night was the last night that Condomia received a radiocall from Simian.

The Simian's inform stated that the pills were turning into useless, and that was his last radiocall received in the central...

He couldn't stop fucking the prototypes almost all night long, his ardour was increasing, instead of calm down: the more sex he had, more needed: finally he fell asleep exhausted, sleeping a couple hours; and that night was his last radiocall to Condomia...

...During his sleep, the captain Simian had several sexual nightmares...erotic chimeras; raving in feverish reveries populated by nymphs whom made wild blowjobs, while received multiple penetrations; otherworldly visions of females, like ondines with 3 anuses and 4 vaginas, whom were massively fucked; furious unrealities of neverending coituses...





Thursday, April 22, 2010

spike eye

eye freedom, out of the socket
Dang those spikes look irritating.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

spikey owl

Okey, so what's not to like 
about a cuddley owl with long sharp spikes?
I know that I like him
forget the cuddle part.
well, here I am in Venice Beach
It's cold and windy
I'm finding that big movie
the one that has been looking for me.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


...As we descend down into the city, which is under the level of the sea, the moon whirls strangely behind our backs, our shadows are taller than our souls was said that the city name was Utopia: the word whistled sibilant in the lips of the clairvoyant, the clairvoyant of the outlaw.

We, the outlaw people, we needed to find a city of refuge, like the cities of refuge of the ancient Israel: the night's short here: as our descent goes ahead and [down] and so turns up the Sun, and so its respective day. Here we are at the gates of Motorway city: Utopia.

The atmosphere of the dome is a little ruined, the streets resemble the old streets of Canaan: the excessively dry air keeps the land all cracked and the yellow dust covers irremissibly the miserable and badly made sidewalks; 400 metres ahead there is a huge reservoir for metallic waste and broken cars, which lie one over another in a chaotic pile of twisted steel.

At this stage I notice that the Sun is not one: there are two, twin Suns shining in the white sky; their burning luminosity almost doesn't allow to see: everyone has to wear black spectacles that are not enough to diminish the impossible brightness.

On an unexpected stage, as ample as ruined, and that is settled exactly behind the metals' cumulation, 5 warrior-bards jump over its tatty-wooden floor, to entertain a while the desperadoes of the 30 different gens or clanns Utopia city is populated with: the 5 sonic warriors who call themselves 'The Dream Workers'.

They play their strange instruments under two every time more ardent Suns: their legs get enlarged like octopuses of destiny: stolen cans of beer are thrown, empty, to the stage like a blinding-metallic rain: someone recites a pamphlet on through a silvery megaphone, a whistle sounds shattering the sky in 1008 pieces: the noise is unbearable.

And the pamphlet says:
"The art is free, the art is liberation: do not panic. This is the sonic attack of our social alliance; beyond the gates of the city everything's decadence for us to pirate it: our art is our life itself; reflex and essence, and it's ours and ourselves, to fake it not.

They tried to silence us, and though they outnumbered us, we were stronger and could sürvive to keep our essence alive. We don't need their hypocritical laws anymore in our perfect communist society, and they are ours for the taking now, our prey; because they don't compute anymore: we hacked their sÿstem, right? Which collapsed into a cone of shadows.

Our ärt is us, freedom and liberation for the mind; because the art it's frêë."

The echo of these last vocables floats adrift in a wind that comes from Saturn, god of the dark; the echo of these last vocables runs through the back brain.

This is our descent into Motorway city, the dome that cannot be named; and as the vertigo of the Suns swirls hysterically in an orange sky, flying toward their obscure tomb, the night-Nyx; we keep going on, into the entrails of Motorway city/Utopia, toward its darkest corners, that are ours now, that are us now.

Maybe one day, the utopia of Utopia will reach the whole society: a dangerous dream to think about, a total madness out of control, a subversion of the social status quo as Jesus formulated it, the absolute violence into a total war, a war of classes, a place where everything will be faïr: that so-called happy world of Aristotle; it was Aristotle? Huxley, that is, Huxleya will be called our new-subverted world; yeah, that is.

...As our descent into the prohibited city gets dangerously profound, toward its darkest zones...


lotus enspiked

Spikey lotus
pretty to look at
don't try to get all huggy with it
it's only fun until someone gets hurt.
then it's time to cry the blues....
I'm happy just looking....

Monday, April 19, 2010


All things are (inter)connected
one cannot sneeze without affecting
the the winds on the other side of the planet

we are in the web
... of the web
we are the web


Sunday, April 18, 2010

spikey heart

fortified, or achey.
heart spikes
protection from intruders or extruders
el corazon-all new for you

Saturday, April 17, 2010

spikehead pod

spikey little prickly cutie
so sweet-but ouchy
only hurts when you touch

Friday, April 16, 2010

forest backdrop

backdrop time in hollywood
the forest set 
my brushes remember how to paint
way cool

Thursday, April 15, 2010

An æspatial warning coming from beyond [about what's about to happen]


Ønce upon a time a planet.

Time, times and a half of times passed by since.

Whhen the main rotor to heat the oceans suffered a damage, endangered population and species of species of species had to start going down to the shores to obtain the needed water: the pipelines system stopped processing the seas since the generators collapsed: time, times and a half of times passed by since.

Ønce upon a place where the central planetary filter entered red phase, because of the ¿cetaceous? cumulation in the metallic pipes [all this occurred whhen the planet still had liquid], now we know by means of standard tools for collection and analysis of observational data.

...In those blue-glassy nights whhen the calm is in the spateal amplitudes, as you all know, we may observe the surface of MŚ-3, the planet is still there, totally dried [Its inhabitants used to call it Earth, as far as we know], but little we know about the plausible civilizations that populated MŚ-3.

All we know is that since our civilization exists, MŚ-3 has been empty, with out visible life on its surface, and with out water.

Though we know that it was inhabitated some day: about the species that populated it, intelligent or not, we can not guess the least trace, except about the cetacea.

Some automata had been sent to explore the «Earth»'s surface in the year 982.000, long time ago, though the results had been disappointing: the planetary temperature is excessive and the metallic structures of the cyborgs started melting down, so they [both] had to be brought back to Arroba immediately.

According to what we can see by means of plastic compound lenses, the «Earth»'s mountains are extremely flat, compared with the Arroba's mountain ranges. Apparently the planet suffered a general inundation right before getting totally dry: the frozen water stored on its poles did melt suddenly.


It's strange the fact, but still we cannot determine authoritatively how, and especially why the «Earth» got dried: the point is that there is not a single drop of water there, and never there was such element on MŚ-3/Earth, at least since our civilization exists.

Ønce upon a time, a time, and times and a half of times: we well know by means of fragmentary extractions of the terrain, that small chips of something remotely related to bones exist there; though never could be found a minimum particle of said bones: only certain vitamins were encountered in the soil of MŚ-3/Earth, obviously taken there by osmosis.

How is this possible? Simply because of the ubication of its sun at the time, underlining a double tangent, which acted as agent of distribution on the vitamins, which were fat-soluble or water-soluble organic substances essential in minute amounts: more than probably the bones themselves don't exist anymore, but their vestiges are there; is what in scientific circles was known as Depp effect.


No microfossils could be found yet on the Earth surface, neither vegetal microfossils, the mineral vestiges are completely degraded, though samples of elements such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, or zinc could be collected; and according to the cyborgs' olfactive sensors, the whole surface of the planet smells like acid mozzarella*.

The zillion and zillion years that went by since that planet got dried cannot be imagined [planet which turns totally empty and overdried, like a dead animal under an unbearable sun that's bound to burst].

Ladies & gents we imagine that there were insects on the surface of MŚ-3/Earth, same as we have on our Arroba's surface, and we suppose those species were the last living inhabitants of a planet that was obsolete.

Obsolete, it was obsolete: AH, HAHAHA!


It would be hard to figure out the repügnant miseries of the inferior, and probably stupid dwellers of such place, when they had to bear, alternatively bestial inundations, and then, a quick evaporation of anything that was liquid: something was broken in the second ooz_trophere۝drome and the waters did fly prompt away from the planet in quick evaporation under an implaccable sun: the hörrible end of a world without seas.

The survivors were quickly fried by the intense ultra_violet emissions, that entered the planetary plane freely after three certain gaseous sheets [unknown] were perforated and the surface of MŚ-3 acquired the smell of rancid sausages**.

The end for the possibly degenerate inhabitants of MŚ-3/Earth, ladies & ladies, arrived imposing, like the dinosaurs of our prehistoric times [and already in our prehistoric times the Earth was dry, exactly like it is today]; none the less, we well know that their end was abrupt and horrid, we might prove it by means of the carbograph accelerator, modern machine devised by the professor Platini, an eminence who used to be a regular of these forums.

The carbograph may determine the quantum of several facts that occurred no matter whhen, by means of a complicated concatenation of computerized systems, like the Cipolatti program.


Øverall we know that our Universe's structure lies on moral laws, ladies & gents, and we are sure that Arroba, oür höme, never would suffer a hecatomb like the one verified in MŚ-3/Earth, basically because us Arrobeans, we are a moral species; and especially because we are always right.

The end of MŚ-3/Earth undoubtedly came because of the iniquity of its inhabitants -intelligent or not-: we are almost sure we'll find out that the MŚ-3/Earth's inhabitants had horns and tail -even the intelligent ones-; we are bound to find out all this by means of the professor Platini's «Cipolatti effect», because nothing can beat the modern science; to find out, as we are sure that we are absolutely right.


...So think about how the moral pillars support the worlds, like ours, and how destroy the amoral, like MŚ-3/Earth, which succumbed because of the sexual vice.

«Heavy were the days whhen MŚ-3, so-called Earth, did fall, buried under its own ashes.

Heavy was its destruction, as heavy was the revengeance*** of the elementals on the ones whose deeds were inverted.

Heavy was the mare magnum & the pan demonium of those miserables, who only saw after their flesh's pleasure.

Heavy, heavy, heavy as fuck».


*The last paragraph is an interpolation of unknown origin.
**The last paragraph is an interpolation of unknown origin.
**Vocable of not known origin, possibly a synechdoche.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


my first work trip to LA this year,
that's pretty scary
maybe I 'll get a long run.

Monday, April 12, 2010

mirrored mirror

seeing is not believing
mirrored distortions run amok
seeing the mirrored mirror is the view most of us have of ourselves
only a glimpse of what might be real...
more shall be revealed...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

owl saturnica

ace in space
according to "science"
there is no "empty" space
its all matter or energy
metaphysically, we knew this all along
it does seem a little more crowded around here lately.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

time share

don't try this one at home folks
"like water in the hourglass,
so drip the Days of Our Lives"

Friday, April 9, 2010

Solarian 12

Solarian 13

"To some extent nobody knows well what triggered all this; the sun looks like huge, the days had turned into interminable, everything's red and luminous in an eternal summer's

What are we going to do?"

(Chronicles from The Elder Ones, chapter II)


"The 6th of July of 2190"

Brothers & sisters; the 6th day of July of 2190, finally something was found out there, something really was not going right, the temperatures of the poles were rising during the last decades in an accelerated way: everything was assumed to be a momentary phase, notwithstanding the alaraming weather changes in zones like Brazil, or even the -once- cold Patagonia, which now was turning into a high plateaux, hot and dry, even during June and July, winter months when, decades ago, the sub-polar climate was dominant over the region.
The situation in their tropical zones of South America, Australasia and Africa was unbearable, and a massive exodus was verified: this is the table before the strange changes started, around the year 2100

Nonetheless, the 6th of July of 2190 finally was known that the process would be irreversible for their planet.


As in the tropical zones were verified temperatures of 110ºC, those areas were brutally depopulated, and the ones who didn't succumb to the tremendous raysof a sun that looked like too near and ardent, just escaped from that Hell, and other -once- moderate urban zones like New York, London, Paris, Buenos Aires or Tokyo, with huge cumulation of inhabitants, turned into infra-infernal stopovers, burning with people that, anyways, were heading for more northern or southern places: the regular 60ºC in London during January was an example of this desolation.


Subsequently, traditionally sub-polar zones like Siberia, Scandinavia or Tierra del Fuego were now tropical, and the phenomenon once known as snow disappeared from Earth, even from the highest elevations of the Himalayas, where the ultrviolet rays of an implaccable sun was enough to dehydrate and drive insane a standard, young and healthy human specimen in some hours.
The phenomenon of the high luminosity provoked also collective hallucinations, which was especially dangerous in densely populated zones, like Moscow, whose population was declared schizophrenic and with neuronal disorders in an 80%.

Tropical huge cities, like Calcutta were abandoned, and soon entered in ruins, while its buildings were falling like rotting dominoes, due to the action of the terrible heat on the edifices and the every time shorter and more violent storms of burning water.


So did occur, that circa 2195, the heat was turning every day into something more and more infernal, and almost the 79% of the world's population already moved to the hot poles: strange and bizarre multitude of new bugs' varieties appeared from anywhere, nobody knew really from, though it was certainly a planet which was being devoured by the insects, many of them huge, extravagant races of insects that never were seen before; the few mammals that survived were taken by the human to the poles with them, therest of the Earth WAS a Fellini-esque Hell, populated by some few reptiles, and zillions and zillions of insects, many of them acquired the most extravagant forms and sizes; even, ironically, some of them seemed to adopt a human form, in a world that was going beyond the limits of any known horror...


Day after day, year after year an idiotized human race, now totally incapable of working and almost moving, lived in their poles, that dramatically were turning every year into hotter and hotter, everything decayed, the agriculture was minimal and constantly attacked by millions of wild insects, the cattle became exiguous and constantly sick, transmitting their diseases to the humans that ate such meat or drank such milk; the electric energy was scarce, and much more the water for a mankind that was in agony and need of everything.

The madness of the solar light led many to the madness, the insanity and the death: mystic and obscure new sects appeared, capitalizing the desperation and the furor of a dark time: the most horrific crimes and deviations that the civilization ever saw were committed in those times


Those were the last times of our Terraqueous fathers: all that is known, is that right before the end, some of them, some few could escape from such place...thanks to it we are now here, brothers and sisters...
And though we don't know much more about that, but by old scripts and details; and though all those times and event are considered like myths by many, we should give the scripts some credit, weknow that that Earth existed, the neutrinic crap left in its place is evidence, you all know about the Deep Purple effect right? The cumuli of cosmic shit left by an -once- existent planet, verified by His Excellence The Supreme Monitor, with his electric bioscope the "Motorhead".
Nothing in this Universe (and others) can escape to His Magnificent View.

About our old fathers, the Adamites, most of them died in that Hell, in a planet that was their home, and that did cook them, too, or to say it better: did bake them.
An 1% of our long suffering fathers escaped to the stars, and survived; and we survive in them; escaped leaving behind an Earth that was definitely being devoured by insects, in an infernal collapse of madness and obscurity, until its bitter end by implosion (perhaps), or according to other hypothesis, by centripetal combustion: the so-called Kapusta-effect.

...We're saved here, brothers & sisters of our sweet planet Aphrodite, we're safe, though we never should take all this for granted, we well know that in our genes there is a curse, and as we'll never disappear completely, on the other hand, we'll have to ramble on among the stars, one way or another, till the end of times; as our fathers did before, since forever...


new palette jellyfish

color transfusion
loving my job painting backdrops
"Hello Dolly!" well...
the name is not so important
spreading color is

Thursday, April 8, 2010

jellyfish pyramid scheme

just when you thought it was safe to enter the water...
the scheming jellyfish are trying to take you down,
be on guard.
don't give your P•I•N # to any jellyfish you don't know!!!!
there are some slithery types out there...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Black verse


Polders' queen, harvest moon, woman; cast your spell, on me cast it; cast it on the sterile nocturnal plateaux...

Winter creature in black, empress & dominatrix: harvest moon; look at the yellow camps, you mesmerise them, you sterile nocturnal plateaux.

Alsatian girl, as the skies know your name inverted, you move with the high tides of May; you mesmerise them, fertile nocturnal.

The girl's insane; the girl? The girl's insane...she was Dutch, and she was somehow hot, and somehow ethereal, like the motley winds that blow on our blackest some extent her cunt was like a moisture of madness, slippery at the same time, like a delicate bar of perfumed, oval soap; her anal realms were not visited, though her animal realms, yes: in other words: she was like a northern European queen full of breeze and derelict smells.

Such a parachutist she was traveling the Peninsula on feet, such a parachutist, I landed one way or another in to the sweaty walls of delight... a bit of alcohol pushed me toward my daring mood, almost intrepid; some cheeky smugness did the rest I suppose.

The men only want one thing, is lamentable, lamentable and predic table.

Woman of the Benelux, as you appeared, you disappeared; what could I do? Even more: who am I to do anything?

Harvest moon, cast your distant spell on my shadow, reflected on the sidewalk...


Summer creature in khaki, parachutist & milk: harvest moon; look at the violet camps, you still mesmerise them, you fertile nocturnal mountain range.

Girl of the inundated provinces, as the Hells know your name, as zodiacal trigon, you move with the low planetary houses of August, you mesmerise them in star divination and love.

Sometimes I think I did all wrong; my quintiles were in mutable satellition, because I was born under a bad sign.
Nordic queen, harvest moon...
