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Friday, April 9, 2010

Solarian 13

"To some extent nobody knows well what triggered all this; the sun looks like huge, the days had turned into interminable, everything's red and luminous in an eternal summer's

What are we going to do?"

(Chronicles from The Elder Ones, chapter II)


"The 6th of July of 2190"

Brothers & sisters; the 6th day of July of 2190, finally something was found out there, something really was not going right, the temperatures of the poles were rising during the last decades in an accelerated way: everything was assumed to be a momentary phase, notwithstanding the alaraming weather changes in zones like Brazil, or even the -once- cold Patagonia, which now was turning into a high plateaux, hot and dry, even during June and July, winter months when, decades ago, the sub-polar climate was dominant over the region.
The situation in their tropical zones of South America, Australasia and Africa was unbearable, and a massive exodus was verified: this is the table before the strange changes started, around the year 2100

Nonetheless, the 6th of July of 2190 finally was known that the process would be irreversible for their planet.


As in the tropical zones were verified temperatures of 110ºC, those areas were brutally depopulated, and the ones who didn't succumb to the tremendous raysof a sun that looked like too near and ardent, just escaped from that Hell, and other -once- moderate urban zones like New York, London, Paris, Buenos Aires or Tokyo, with huge cumulation of inhabitants, turned into infra-infernal stopovers, burning with people that, anyways, were heading for more northern or southern places: the regular 60ºC in London during January was an example of this desolation.


Subsequently, traditionally sub-polar zones like Siberia, Scandinavia or Tierra del Fuego were now tropical, and the phenomenon once known as snow disappeared from Earth, even from the highest elevations of the Himalayas, where the ultrviolet rays of an implaccable sun was enough to dehydrate and drive insane a standard, young and healthy human specimen in some hours.
The phenomenon of the high luminosity provoked also collective hallucinations, which was especially dangerous in densely populated zones, like Moscow, whose population was declared schizophrenic and with neuronal disorders in an 80%.

Tropical huge cities, like Calcutta were abandoned, and soon entered in ruins, while its buildings were falling like rotting dominoes, due to the action of the terrible heat on the edifices and the every time shorter and more violent storms of burning water.


So did occur, that circa 2195, the heat was turning every day into something more and more infernal, and almost the 79% of the world's population already moved to the hot poles: strange and bizarre multitude of new bugs' varieties appeared from anywhere, nobody knew really from, though it was certainly a planet which was being devoured by the insects, many of them huge, extravagant races of insects that never were seen before; the few mammals that survived were taken by the human to the poles with them, therest of the Earth WAS a Fellini-esque Hell, populated by some few reptiles, and zillions and zillions of insects, many of them acquired the most extravagant forms and sizes; even, ironically, some of them seemed to adopt a human form, in a world that was going beyond the limits of any known horror...


Day after day, year after year an idiotized human race, now totally incapable of working and almost moving, lived in their poles, that dramatically were turning every year into hotter and hotter, everything decayed, the agriculture was minimal and constantly attacked by millions of wild insects, the cattle became exiguous and constantly sick, transmitting their diseases to the humans that ate such meat or drank such milk; the electric energy was scarce, and much more the water for a mankind that was in agony and need of everything.

The madness of the solar light led many to the madness, the insanity and the death: mystic and obscure new sects appeared, capitalizing the desperation and the furor of a dark time: the most horrific crimes and deviations that the civilization ever saw were committed in those times


Those were the last times of our Terraqueous fathers: all that is known, is that right before the end, some of them, some few could escape from such place...thanks to it we are now here, brothers and sisters...
And though we don't know much more about that, but by old scripts and details; and though all those times and event are considered like myths by many, we should give the scripts some credit, weknow that that Earth existed, the neutrinic crap left in its place is evidence, you all know about the Deep Purple effect right? The cumuli of cosmic shit left by an -once- existent planet, verified by His Excellence The Supreme Monitor, with his electric bioscope the "Motorhead".
Nothing in this Universe (and others) can escape to His Magnificent View.

About our old fathers, the Adamites, most of them died in that Hell, in a planet that was their home, and that did cook them, too, or to say it better: did bake them.
An 1% of our long suffering fathers escaped to the stars, and survived; and we survive in them; escaped leaving behind an Earth that was definitely being devoured by insects, in an infernal collapse of madness and obscurity, until its bitter end by implosion (perhaps), or according to other hypothesis, by centripetal combustion: the so-called Kapusta-effect.

...We're saved here, brothers & sisters of our sweet planet Aphrodite, we're safe, though we never should take all this for granted, we well know that in our genes there is a curse, and as we'll never disappear completely, on the other hand, we'll have to ramble on among the stars, one way or another, till the end of times; as our fathers did before, since forever...
