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Friday, April 23, 2010

The captain Simian & the galactic monkeys: mirror of illusions in the vaginal planet.


...Suddenly on Fructidor* of the year 22.002, the captain David Simian was sent in strange mission with 22 monkeys, from the planet Condomia toward a close [far] planet, called Aphrodite; planet where, as apparently was said, some Adamites were living a short time ago.

Rumours said that these Adamites suffered an erotomaniac crisis in Aphrodite, and they all succumbed victims of their own passion, and also many things more were said, which we could not reproduce here, for a matter of modesty.

The fact is that these Adamites [inferior race come from the Earth, aka Adamia], built some realistic female prototypes to copulate; the realistic beauty of these synthetic cyborgs, their huge, natural breasts and wide, round hips, turned the personnel into aroused animals out of control:the sexual passion lost the Adamites mind, whom fell victims of the vice.

The cyborgs were built on Brumario* of 21.998, and the Adamites dedicated that whole year to vicious sex, and already on Pluvioso* of 21.999, some of them were dead, exhausted because of the intercourse non-stop, some others lost their minds in an idealized paradise of erotic chimeras; raving in feverish reveries populated by nymphs whom made wild blowjobs, while received multiple penetrations; otherworldly visions of females, like ondines with 3 anuses and 4 vaginas, whom were massively fucked; furious unrealities of neverending coituses that finally lost their supposed that the ones that survived, rambled lost, across the deserts of Aphrodite, stray like the demented ones until an abrasive sun, and finally died of thirst and delirium tremens.

One thing is true: on Frígido* of 22.000, the last of them died; the planet was desert.

The captain Simian was sent to investigate about the possible technology left there by the Adamites, who also were called humans, in their own idiom. The 22 apes that accompanied him, were trained as astronauts, and also were experts reading the mind, finding laser sources, water, gamma, and valuable metals, besides of being excellent cooks, judo fighters and mechanics.

The 22nd day of Fructidor* of the year 22.002, the spaceship with David Simian & the apes was launched from the base in Condomia: the apes were supplied with enough cookies, semen of cachalot (vitamins), and a whole lotta dildoes for their amusement, to avoid the rape of captain Simian (the apes are highly lascive animals).

The captain Simian also was supplied with whiskey, raw meat, potatoes and an automatic machine that sucks cock, for his personal use.

After a journey full of penalties on through hostile galaxies, Simian and the monkeys arrived to Aphrodite, aka the vaginal planet on 3rd of Canicular* of 22.003, this is 3/3/3: the landing was brutal and the spaceship almost burst, fact that could have been dramatic, since Simian and the monkeys would have died carbonized.

The monkeys were sent first, to see if there was some hostile inhabitant yet, seeing that everything was ok, then Simian came out of the module: the sands of Aphrodite were pink, like a cunt...

Day after day, the captain David Simian and his apes walked by the soft & pink sands of Aphrodite; the weather was warm and the whole planet did smell like vaginal transpiration: the monkeys started getting nervous, and the captain Simian started using the mechanical cocksucker much more often.

The expeditions searching for the Adamites' dome were in vain, nothing could be found after long months searching: Simian & the monkeys used to spend 8/10 hours a day walking, and only pink sand, sand and more sand is all they found: sand, oceans of sand, a whole universe of pink-soft sand smelling like female intimate humidity: Simian & the monkeys were highly erotized.

Maybe it was because of the perfumed atmosphere of the warm planet, but the captain Simian realized about his permanent erection, same as the monkeys, who were every day more hours using their sexual vibrators: Simian almost couldn't have his cock flaccid but some few minutes a day, it was excruciating and he had to appeal to the synthetic blowjober every 30 minutes, but nothing quenched the invulnerable, permanent erections, not even 35 orgasms a day...the case of the apes was more desperating, having some of them even 70 orgasms a day: the apes started raping themselves, everyone was burning, the sexual ardour was unbearable.

The expeditions were suspended, and Simian and the monkeys dedicated the days to calm their passion with vibrators and sex toys; they were exhausted.

Finally one afternoon while he was masturbating, Simian saw on through the window of his cabinet a distant shining, something he never saw before since arrived to Aphrodite...


Using the telescopic cerebral insertion, Simian could observe a close up shot of the shining light under the Aphrodite's sun: the solar ardour was too much, though he clearly could behold two silvery domes: those were the domes of the Adamites he was searching for, and realized that just found them by chance; and they were two, not one...the binary computer of the telescopic cerebral insertion measured the exact distance was 13.331 kilometres.

The captain Simian started thinking for a moment how could he see the shining, if the domes were so far away..? Actually in the opposite side of the planet.

Obviously this was due to the Aphrodite's atmosphere, which keeps a constant maximum visibilty, and especially to the planet's shape, so different to others where he already was.

Nonetheless the Aphrodite's atmosphere was adequate for the life, did contain an admixture of rare gases, which were totally ünknown; gases that obviously gave Aphrodite its characteristic vaginal smell, permanent in its peculiar variety of oxygen.

Thinking on all this Simian forgot about his sexual arousal for the first time in months, fact that amazed him a little...


10 out of the 22 monkeys unfortunately died, because of heart attack, while the others 12 still kept a permanent state of sexual arousal; Simian requested to Condomia some pills to quench the sexual ardour; his own, and especially the apes', but the base in Condomia was several light years away, and the automata with the medicine would last still some time, no matter the propulsion was powered by Lidl rays, digital solution obtained by means of the atomic dissolution of solar fang, or "fango" (mud in their idiom).

The synthesis of solar fang was filtered on through an oceanic lens near to Condomia, and this produced a carbolic fusion, which processed by binary equation produced the Lidl effect.

...Fortunately, the 32nd day of Canicular* of the year 22.004 the automata arrived: two golden kyborgs bringing five capsulae containing capsulae containing capsulae containing capsulae that contained doses.

The automata were melt as the service was finished, as the central in Condomia ordered.

The combustion produced by the golden fire melting the automata, mixed with the Aphrodite's atmosphere, created a sort of pink cloud on a good portion of the planet during 8 days.

A cosmic storm [frequent in Aphrodite] dispersed the cloud toward the south side of the planetary globe, as it seems later it was synthesized into a mercurial tempest, provoking a hot rain which did last 3 weeks and 1/2.

As the monkeys and himself were more tranquil, thanks to the doses of carbondrexlerphamida ۞, Simian planned finally the march towards the abandoned domes, which could not be done walking, because it was too distant: a small vehicle for space truckin' would take them there on 12 wheels, though it would last 4 weeks and 1/8. Unfortunately more apes died, surviving only 5 for the travel.


The caravan did begin one dusty-yellow morning, the pills should be taken, and much water to stand the hard weeks in the desert: the whole planet was a desert...

Going ahead on a straight path, whose directrix was digitally underlined by the captain Simian's telescopic cerebral insertion, which featured a binary map, the caravan reached its first night in the wilderness...the nights in Aphrodite are profound, the darkness is intense, though the weather never gets cold, not even in the poles.

Monkeys & the captain could sleep that first night (first nights are usually crucial in many aspects), though Simian noted certain furtive noises outside the vehicle...maybe he dreamed of this, maybe were just aural hallucinations of the desert: a couple times Simian went out to see if there was some wild animal out there, but nothing was seen...

During the following daytime, the march toward the dome was fast, the vehicle crossed neverending dunes of pink sand, and the same happened during the next days; the journey looked like interminable.

One week went by, and two in the monotonous pink desert imbibed with an intense vaginal aroma: Simian & the apes were now in the southern hemisphere of a planet without seas.

Though with some stationary rivers: the rain on Aphrodite is rare, formed basically with violent summer's steam, electromagnetic storms that discharge brutal amounts of water in short minutes; the water that is not absorbed by the always burning sand, runs toward lower terrains, creating furious rivers, tha flow into lakes, until the evaporation of both, to start again.

The last week of the travel, one night, a metallic, little noise did wake Simian was like something biting the vehicle from the outside: quickly Simian jumped from his bed and ran to see who or what was out there: the vision of a fast-tall silhouette running into the darkness and disappearing did freeze his blood with horror...

Notwithstanding the huge panic, Simian went out with his personal needle-gun, and searched for hours using his cerebral capacitor-lantern to illuminate the zone: nobody was seen.


The last days of the journey were completed with many misgivings and fear in the Simian's mind, since the vision of that entity; the last nights in the desert were full of dense presages and rarefied feelings for the Simian's mind: he pretended that extravagant entities did fly in the sibilant wind; the least sound or 'click' turned his spirit into a chaotic ocean of improbable suppositions and feverish conjectures that, in his mind, were vivid and real, mostly augmented because of the psychedelic effect of the pills to fight the erotomania.


...Finally the day was come: from a distance could be seen, shining, the silvery domes abandoned by the Adamites: the unremitting solar luminosity crashed on the round edifices, like two tits being bathed with semen...the distance which separated the complex from the caravan was such 1 kilometre now, and then was 11 AM; the glory of the morning marked the path for the fast vehicle that ran across an ocean of pink sand...

Only two monkeys survived to see and enter the domes in the end, because of an enigmatic disease which affected the other apes, whom could not stand a viral invasion, possibly of extra-planetary origin [periodically waves of viruses invaded Aphrodite from the outer space, arguably coming from -even- warmer planets].

Few minutes later, the captain Simian and his two monkeys entered the first dome, after staying beholding it for a while, with a mixture of reverence and intrigue...

The inner walls were pink, same as the sands of he surrounding, interminable desert-planet, though it was a metallized pink, and though still warm, the interior was more fresh than the exterior, due to the high-oval ceiling.

Simian & the monkeys walked during some minutes on through a metallic corridor, which led toward a subterranean hall: a huge door stopped their march, though as soon as Simian laid a hand on it, the door was automatically opened.

What he saw therein subdued his spirit in amazement.


...Several hundreds of female humanoids were populating the large hall, they were like dolls, their features and bodies were so realistic that looked like living entities (Simian did think they even had pores): obviously these weres the female prototypes that ended with the Adamites' population in Aphrodite...Simian came close to one of these prototypes, caressed her, and observed her with attention: looked like flesh.

Simian felt suddenly aroused and decided to taste those honeys: first took the monkeys outside the hall, to proceed to copulate with a blonde prototype, which was lied on a plastic-pink bed...

Simian spent some hours inside the hall, fucking those kyborgs; apparently something changed into his mind during this time; notwithstanding finally came out of the hall and met the monkeys, then went to the other dome.

There he found some prototypes more, though the night was falling...he decided to eat something, and prepare everything to sleep: the apes were exhausted for the travel on through the desert, and so he was too.

Simian chose one of the dolls' halls as his personal cabinet, leaving the monkeys in a retired cabinet, quite far, which had two beds.

During his first night in the dome, Simian could barely sleep...the vaginal smell was excessive, intense, coming on through his window, coming from the desert; the prototypes disturbed and excited him every time more, the heat and, now, the arousal were unbearable, the pills were useless...

This night was the last night that Condomia received a radiocall from Simian.

The Simian's inform stated that the pills were turning into useless, and that was his last radiocall received in the central...

He couldn't stop fucking the prototypes almost all night long, his ardour was increasing, instead of calm down: the more sex he had, more needed: finally he fell asleep exhausted, sleeping a couple hours; and that night was his last radiocall to Condomia...

...During his sleep, the captain Simian had several sexual nightmares...erotic chimeras; raving in feverish reveries populated by nymphs whom made wild blowjobs, while received multiple penetrations; otherworldly visions of females, like ondines with 3 anuses and 4 vaginas, whom were massively fucked; furious unrealities of neverending coituses...


