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Thursday, April 15, 2010

An æspatial warning coming from beyond [about what's about to happen]


Ønce upon a time a planet.

Time, times and a half of times passed by since.

Whhen the main rotor to heat the oceans suffered a damage, endangered population and species of species of species had to start going down to the shores to obtain the needed water: the pipelines system stopped processing the seas since the generators collapsed: time, times and a half of times passed by since.

Ønce upon a place where the central planetary filter entered red phase, because of the ¿cetaceous? cumulation in the metallic pipes [all this occurred whhen the planet still had liquid], now we know by means of standard tools for collection and analysis of observational data.

...In those blue-glassy nights whhen the calm is in the spateal amplitudes, as you all know, we may observe the surface of MŚ-3, the planet is still there, totally dried [Its inhabitants used to call it Earth, as far as we know], but little we know about the plausible civilizations that populated MŚ-3.

All we know is that since our civilization exists, MŚ-3 has been empty, with out visible life on its surface, and with out water.

Though we know that it was inhabitated some day: about the species that populated it, intelligent or not, we can not guess the least trace, except about the cetacea.

Some automata had been sent to explore the «Earth»'s surface in the year 982.000, long time ago, though the results had been disappointing: the planetary temperature is excessive and the metallic structures of the cyborgs started melting down, so they [both] had to be brought back to Arroba immediately.

According to what we can see by means of plastic compound lenses, the «Earth»'s mountains are extremely flat, compared with the Arroba's mountain ranges. Apparently the planet suffered a general inundation right before getting totally dry: the frozen water stored on its poles did melt suddenly.


It's strange the fact, but still we cannot determine authoritatively how, and especially why the «Earth» got dried: the point is that there is not a single drop of water there, and never there was such element on MŚ-3/Earth, at least since our civilization exists.

Ønce upon a time, a time, and times and a half of times: we well know by means of fragmentary extractions of the terrain, that small chips of something remotely related to bones exist there; though never could be found a minimum particle of said bones: only certain vitamins were encountered in the soil of MŚ-3/Earth, obviously taken there by osmosis.

How is this possible? Simply because of the ubication of its sun at the time, underlining a double tangent, which acted as agent of distribution on the vitamins, which were fat-soluble or water-soluble organic substances essential in minute amounts: more than probably the bones themselves don't exist anymore, but their vestiges are there; is what in scientific circles was known as Depp effect.


No microfossils could be found yet on the Earth surface, neither vegetal microfossils, the mineral vestiges are completely degraded, though samples of elements such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, or zinc could be collected; and according to the cyborgs' olfactive sensors, the whole surface of the planet smells like acid mozzarella*.

The zillion and zillion years that went by since that planet got dried cannot be imagined [planet which turns totally empty and overdried, like a dead animal under an unbearable sun that's bound to burst].

Ladies & gents we imagine that there were insects on the surface of MŚ-3/Earth, same as we have on our Arroba's surface, and we suppose those species were the last living inhabitants of a planet that was obsolete.

Obsolete, it was obsolete: AH, HAHAHA!


It would be hard to figure out the repügnant miseries of the inferior, and probably stupid dwellers of such place, when they had to bear, alternatively bestial inundations, and then, a quick evaporation of anything that was liquid: something was broken in the second ooz_trophere۝drome and the waters did fly prompt away from the planet in quick evaporation under an implaccable sun: the hörrible end of a world without seas.

The survivors were quickly fried by the intense ultra_violet emissions, that entered the planetary plane freely after three certain gaseous sheets [unknown] were perforated and the surface of MŚ-3 acquired the smell of rancid sausages**.

The end for the possibly degenerate inhabitants of MŚ-3/Earth, ladies & ladies, arrived imposing, like the dinosaurs of our prehistoric times [and already in our prehistoric times the Earth was dry, exactly like it is today]; none the less, we well know that their end was abrupt and horrid, we might prove it by means of the carbograph accelerator, modern machine devised by the professor Platini, an eminence who used to be a regular of these forums.

The carbograph may determine the quantum of several facts that occurred no matter whhen, by means of a complicated concatenation of computerized systems, like the Cipolatti program.


Øverall we know that our Universe's structure lies on moral laws, ladies & gents, and we are sure that Arroba, oür höme, never would suffer a hecatomb like the one verified in MŚ-3/Earth, basically because us Arrobeans, we are a moral species; and especially because we are always right.

The end of MŚ-3/Earth undoubtedly came because of the iniquity of its inhabitants -intelligent or not-: we are almost sure we'll find out that the MŚ-3/Earth's inhabitants had horns and tail -even the intelligent ones-; we are bound to find out all this by means of the professor Platini's «Cipolatti effect», because nothing can beat the modern science; to find out, as we are sure that we are absolutely right.


...So think about how the moral pillars support the worlds, like ours, and how destroy the amoral, like MŚ-3/Earth, which succumbed because of the sexual vice.

«Heavy were the days whhen MŚ-3, so-called Earth, did fall, buried under its own ashes.

Heavy was its destruction, as heavy was the revengeance*** of the elementals on the ones whose deeds were inverted.

Heavy was the mare magnum & the pan demonium of those miserables, who only saw after their flesh's pleasure.

Heavy, heavy, heavy as fuck».


*The last paragraph is an interpolation of unknown origin.
**The last paragraph is an interpolation of unknown origin.
**Vocable of not known origin, possibly a synechdoche.