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Friday, December 31, 2010
Samsun - Turkey

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Great Sphinx - Egypt

The Great Wall of China - China

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Hradec Králové - Czech Republic

MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.hradeckralove.org/
Nesebar - Bulgaria

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Rijeka - Croatia
Charles Bridge - Czech Republic

Monday, December 27, 2010
Machu Picchu - Peru

About Machu Picchu :
Machu Picchu 7,970 feet above sea level and nestled on a small hilltop between the Andean Mountain Range, the majestic city soars above the Urabamba Valley below. The Incan built structure has been deemed the “Lost Cities”, unknown until its relatively recent discovery in 1911. Archaeologists estimate that approximately 1200 people could have lived in the area, though many theorize it was most likely a retreat for Incan rulers. Due to it’s isolation from the rest of Peru, living in the area full time would require traveling great distances just to reach the nearest village. Separated into three areas - agricultural, urban, and religious - the structures are arranged so that the function of the buildings matches the form of their surroundings. The agricultural terracing and aqueducts take advantage of the natural slopes; the lower areas contain buildings occupied by farmers and teachers, and the most important religious areas are located at the crest of the hill, overlooking the lush Urubamba Valley thousands of feet below. Hikers, tourists, and the early explorers describe similar emotions as they climb their way through the Inca Trail. Many call the experience magical. Glancing out from the Funerary Rock Hut on all the temples, fields, terraces, and baths seems to take you to another time. Blending in with the hillside itself, many say the area creates a seamless and elegant green paradise, making it a must for anyone who travels to Peru.
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.peru-machu-picchu.com/
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Kopaonik - Serbia

Angel Falls - Venezuela

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Winchester Cathedral - United Kingdom

Viana do Castelo - Portugal

Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Statue of Liberty - USA
About Statue of Liberty :
Olten - Switzerland
About Olten :
Olten, with its approximately 17,500 residents, is the largest city in the canton of Solothurn. Together with the communities of the Olten-Gösgen-Gäu area, it represents a considerable pillar of the canton's economic strength. Motto of the city is : 'Live and work in the heart of Switzerland'. The central location of the city of Olten in the heart of Switzerland is and will remain one of the most important advantages for the city and the region of Olten. About 80% of all Swiss inhabitants can reach the 'Three Pines City' (Dreitannenstadt) by train or car in under an hour. Connections to Basel and Zurich airports by both rail and road round out this offer. Hotels and conference centers have recognised this stategic advantage. In addition, city officials plan to more actively promote the status of the town as a conference city by enlarging the city theater to a seminar and culture center. The move away from production industries such as iron and cement has been compensated for in the last few years by numerous new jobs in the services and in education. These are offered not only by firms such as SIS Sega Intersettle AG, Atel, and Swisscom, but also the regional agencies of all large banks and insurance institutes. To the educational area belong, for example, the Kanton School Hardwald, the Commercial School Olten-Balsthal, and the Trade and Industry School, as well as the training centers for the Post and the Swiss Railway. In addition to numerous private schools, the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland is located in Olten, offering business, social, technical, and optical studies. Besides employment and residential opportunities, Olten is a gastronomic center and a multifaceted sports and cultural city. Ice hockey and field hockey, to name just two of the countless sports run by clubs, have made the 'Three Pines City' known well beyond the cantonal borders, just as have our cabaret, jazz, and dance sessions. Every year, on August 1, a large firework show occurs from boats floating down the river. It is also home to a wooden foot bridge, one of the towns landmarks. In Olten's railway station restaurant, the Gruppe Olten (Olten Group), a group of writers that included Max Frisch and Friedrich Dürrenmatt, was founded, as was the Swiss Alpine Club in 1863.
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.olten.ch/
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Zielona Gora - Poland
About Zielona Gora :
Zielona Gora (Green Mountain) lies on the historic route between Wroclaw and Szczecin. Zielona Gora (Poland) is one of the two capitals of the Lubuskie region, with 117,557 inhabitants within the city limits (June 2009) and 294,000 inhabitants within the metropolitan area, including three neighbouring counties, and is situated 12 km. south of the River Odra. Zielona Góra is an important centre of machine and textile industries, and is also seen by many Poles as the cultural centre of the region with two high-level institutions of higher learning. Zielona Gora obtained its municipal rights in 1323. And was until recently the only centre of wine production in Poland. Since the 16th century, Zielona Gora was also a centre of woollen cloth production. The majority of buildings in the centre of Zielona Gora were built in the early 20th century. Historical monuments include the late-Gothic Church (mid-15th century), half-timbered church from the 18th century, and remnants of old fortifications. The palm house cafe surrounded by a vineyard located on the hill which towers over the city is well worth a visit. It also offers a wonderful view of the city. It is also worth paying a visit to the Lubuskie Regional Museum which has an interesting section devoted to wine making. The city has been known for its wines for centuries. It is now one of two places in Poland with wine grape cultivation mainly for white wines (the other being the wine growing region near the town of Warka in Masovia). The first wineries around the city were built in 1314. At Paradyż (Paradise) Abbey near Zielona Góra, monks have been making wine since 1250. The number of vineyards at peak production is estimated at 4,000 in the region, and 2,500 in Zielona Góra itself. During the communist era wine production was reduced, but since 1990 it has recovered. However, nowadays wine is no longer produced in Zielona Góra itself (the last factory was closed in the early 1990s). The most famous locally produced wine is called "Monte Verde". Since 1852 an annual Wine Festival has taken place in the town. Near Zielona Gora, in the village of Ochla, there is an open-air ethnographic museum of traditional country architecture from this part of present day Poland.
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://polandpoland.com/zielona_gora.html
Amsterdam - Netherlands
Monday, December 20, 2010
El Tatio Geyser Field - Chile

About El Tatio Geyser Field :
El Tatio Geyser Field (locally known as Los Géiseres del Tatio) is located within the Andes Mountains of northern Chile at 4,200 meters above mean sea level, 150 kilometers east, southeast of Calama, Chile. The name Tatio would hold its origin from Aymara tata, grandfather. Tata-iu, the original name would mean the grandfather who cries. With over 80 active geysers, El Tatio is the largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere and the third largest field in the world, following Yellowstone, USA, and Dolina Giezerov, Russia. From March 19-21, 2002, the authors visited the geothermal field to inventory the geysers and their behavior. Of over 110 erupting springs documented, more than 80 were identified as true geysers and an additional 30 were perpetual spouters. Despite reports that geyser activity occurred only in the morning, no abatement in activity was observed at any time within any part of the field. Although the observed activity was vigorous, eruptions commonly reached less than one meter. Of the erupting springs cataloged, the mean spouting height was 69 centimeters. Of the true geysers cataloged, the eruptions averaged 76 centimeters. El Tatio Geyser Field contains approximately 8 percent of the world’s geysers.
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.visit-chile.org/
Sveti Stefan - Montenegro

About St.Stefan :
Sveti Stefan is an unusual and unique place not only at Montenegro or Budva's Riviera but in the whole Mediterranean. It stands on the cliff of a rocky island with roofs red like rubies. A sand isthumus looking like a stem connects it with the land. It came into existence in a unique way. According to the memory of people,this happened in XV century. The big Turkish fleet sailed into the Adriatic sea to rob and plunder rich seaside towns, especially those one in Boka. One day, when the weather was bad, that fleet sailed into Jaz beach, a place into bottom of Grbaljsko field, near Kotor. Guards were left on the galleys, wich were anchored or grounded on sand, while the rest of Turkish soldiers set off for Kotor, across Grbaljsko field, to attack and devastate it from the land.When Pastrovics heard about this, they quickly gathered their soldiers and went to Kotor by shortcut to attack Turks and help Kotorans in defense of their town. After the victory, on their way back, they attacked Turkish galleys at the beach Jaz. With God's help they managed to kill the rest of Turkish crew and took the conquered galleys to Drobni Pijesak - the beach and the valley where they used to anchore their fishermen's boats and ships - to unload the war trophies there. Pastrovics have decided not only to divide the rich war trophies but to build a fortress on the rocky island near the coast as well as houses for each of Pastrovic's 12 tribes, and the church decided to St. Stefan the protector of Pastrovics. The fort was made to serve defense against Turks, pirates and other enemies as well as an asylum and shelter: asylum for women, children and old people during the time of enemy's attacts and shelter for food and groceries: corn, oil, vine, meat, honey and others. They drownded the conquered Turkish galleys leaving no trace of them. This folktale finds confirmation in written documents where St. Stefan was mentioned for the first time(1442)as an advanced guard house. It is also written that the forst was built earlier and called St. Stefan after the church with the same name constructed at the same time when the settlement in the fort was built. In ancient documents Sveti Stefan is mentioned by the name of “place of justice” - the pivotal place of Pastrovics township and tribe. This name originated from the fact that the court “Benkada” had been sessioning in it for 400 years. It was usually done at Pjaca, a space in front of the entering gate. Tribal disputes and misunderstandings were solved at that spot until 1929. Fortress Sveti Stefan achieved a grand rise in the first half of XIX century when it counted 100 houses, three churches, and 400 inhabitants on its small space limited by the sea and the walls. There was no space for more. At the beginning of XX century it suddenly lost its economic power and political importance. The inhabitants left it. The best men went to war and many more emigrated to America. In 1912 there were 150 inhabitants, and in 1954 only 20. A group of smart architects and artists began adaptation of abandoned houses in 1954 with help of the comunist power who removed the left 20 inhabitants to the land, and as early as 1957 they turned them into an unique town - hotel - the most attractive and the most luxurious hotel complex at the Adriatic and the Mediterranean, intended for tourism of the highest level. Adaptation was done expertly and heartedly so the buildings from outside look exactly as they were before, while the inside spaces were richly decorated and turned into luxurious apartments. The left 20 inhabitians who were removed from the island are establishers of todays modern settlement on the land also called Sveti Stefan. To the old settlement with the original folklore architecture are added onto the complex: a swimming pool, a restaurant and a terrace overlooking the beautiful azure sea. Today, Sveti Stefan is gorgeous. Apart from luxury, comfort and wonderful beaches, it offers some kind of special autonomy, self-confidence, inspiration and intimacy that most of well known extra hotels don't have.
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.sveti-stefan.net/english/
Bled - Slovenia

About Bled :
With immense natural beauty, Bled, together with its surroundings, ranks among the most beautiful alpine resorts, renowned for its mild, healing climate and thermal lake water. The beauty of the mountains reflected on the lake, the sun, the serenity and the fresh air arouse pleasant feelings in visitors throughout the year, guaranteeing an ideal base or a relaxing break or an active holiday. Bled attracts businessmen, artists, athletes, explorers, sport enthusiasts, the old and the young, from all over the world, enchanting them to return again and again. The thermal springs which are led into the swimming pools at the Grand Hotel Toplice (23°C) and the Park and Golf Hotels (28°C - the water is additionally heated) enable pleasant swimming and successful treatment of stress related illnesses, exhaustion, neurovegetative disorders and age-related fatigue. Analyses of the thermal water at the Grand Hotel Toplice were performed by Dr. V. Kletzinski. These show the temperature of the spring to be constant at 23°C. The breakdown of the analyses show that 10 litres of water contain 1520 cm3 of free carbonic acid and 5.36 g of naturally occurring salts: 0.12 g of sodium chloride, 0.57 g of sodium sulphuric acid, 0.30 g of sodium carbonic acid, 2.31 g of calcium carbonic acid, 1.16 g of magnesium carbonic acid, 0.44 g of carbonic iron oxide acid, 0.27 g of silicic acid, clay phosphoric salts, manganese and some other ingredients. Bled's is a mild, healthy sub-Alpine climate with the longest swimming season of any Alpine resort. The ridges of the Julian Alps and the Karavanke protect it from the chilly northern winds. During the summer months there is no fog. The average monthly temperature in July is 19°C and in January -1.7°C.
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.bled.si/en/
Twilight from Singapore Flyers

Singapore Flyers consists of 28 capsules each of which has a size of a bus and can accommodate 28 passengers with a bench in the middle of the capsule. Before entering the capsule, giving the officer gave us "Singapore Story Audio Guide", an audio device such as mobile phones that function Singapore's history and making the story into a modern country and the metropolis as well as feng shui affecting , building, design and architecture.
Capsule interior comfort is supported by the cool air from air conditioner and the glass-covered UV-blocking films. Visitors can freely move and walk around the capsule as they saw the panorama of the Marina Bay. Not just the view obtained, but also faintly visible neighboring countries, Malaysia and Indonesia. Capsule interior was so good. It is operator Singapore Flyers did not waste the opportunity. They can be transformed capsules as a complete meal and covered desert or cocktail of champagne. Of course, this becomes an attractive added value for tourists. After 30 minutes passed, the mill had stopped spinning, and we came out covered with a sense of satisfaction.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Modane - France
About Modane :
Modane is a realy nice Alpine town nestled at the heart of the Vanoise National Park in the Savoie region of the French Alps. It sits at an altitude of 1000 metres above sea-level and is surrounded by three ski resorts. The untouched, raw beauty of the Maurienne Valley with its restored farmhouses, wooden chalets, spectacular ski resorts, and breathtaking landscapes is a must for those who would like to live like the French during their stay. France is, after all, the fabled land of good food and wine and known the world over for its art and history. This is the timeless land whose people have a natural joie de vivre and savoir faire and have for centuries. Modane, and its surrounding villages, have many sights and activities to offer. Savour art and romance in our Baroque chapels and churches, see glorious pasts blaze forth at our fortresses and medieval villages, enjoy sumptuous cheeses or French wines and typical Savoyard meals in Alpine villages or mountain huts and indulge your jet-set fantasies in one of our surrounding ski resorts just 15 minutes away: Aussois, Valfrejus and La Norma. There is something for everyone to do no matter what the season. Winter is synonymous with downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, snow-shoe touring and sledging. In spring, summer and autumn the inhabitants of the Maurienne Valley delight in rock-climbing, via ferrata, hiking and canyoning. Sparkling turquoise alpine lakes and glimpses of deer, ibis and marmots in the Vanoise National Park should please nature-lovers. The surrounding ski resorts offer an exciting nightlife during the winter and summer seasons...bars, cafés, restaurants, theatre, cinema, bowling, nightclubs and much more for those who wish to let their hair down in the evenings! Modane itself has a cinema, theatre, museum, restaurants, bars and cafés which are open all year round. Weekend trips can be taken to beautiful Annecy and its lake which is the second largest lake in France formed 18 000 years ago from large Alpine glaciers, to Italy via the Mont Cenis mountain pass in summer and the Frejus tunnel in Winter, to mountain shelters in the Vanoise National Park for a nature-lovers weekend, to Chambery for shopping, to one of our ski resorts for a skiing weekend...there really is so much to choose from. Modane is an hour away from Chambery, Albertville, Grenoble and Turin (Italy) and an hour and a half from Annecy, Lyon and Geneva (Switzerland). Schools in these major cities in France, Italy and Switzerland are always looking out for teachers with a recognised TEFL certificate so you should have little trouble finding a teaching post once you have graduated. Paris is just a four hour train trip from Modane on a direct line if you wish to work in the historical, romantic capital of France.
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.teflfrancesavoie.com/rubrique,why-modane,631790.html
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Prince's Palace - Monaco

About Prince's Palace of Monaco :
The Prince's Palace of Monaco is the official residence of the Prince of Monaco. Founded in 1191 as a Genoese fortress, during its long and often dramatic history it has been bombarded and besieged by many foreign powers. Since the end of the 13th century, it has been the stronghold and home of the Grimaldi family who first captured it in 1297. The Grimaldi ruled the area first as feudal lords, and from the 17th century as sovereign princes, but their power was often derived from fragile agreements with their larger and stronger neighbours. Thus while other European sovereigns were building luxurious, modern Renaissance and Baroque palaces, politics and common sense demanded that the palace of the Monaco rulers be fortified. This unique requirement, at such a late stage in history, has made the palace at Monaco one of the most unusual in Europe. Ironically, when its fortifications were finally relaxed during the late 18th century, it was seized by the French and stripped of its treasures, and fell into decline, while the Grimaldi were exiled for over 20 years. The Grimaldi's occupation of their palace is also unusual because, unlike other European ruling families, the absence of alternative palaces and land shortages have resulted in their use of the same residence for more than seven centuries. Thus, their fortunes and politics are directly reflected in the evolution of the palace. Whereas the Romanovs, Bourbons, and Habsburgs could, and frequently did, build completely new palaces, the most the Grimaldi could achieve when enjoying good fortune, or desirous of change, was to build a new tower or wing, or, as they did more frequently, rebuild an existing part of the palace. Thus, the Prince's Palace reflects the history not only of Monaco, but of the family which in 1997 celebrated 700 years of rule from the same palace.
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.palais.mc/monaco/x-net/internet-palais-princier/english/home.577.html
Batam Sights

- Vihara Budhi Bhakti Temple : This is a colorful modern Buddhist temple in Nagoya which is actively used by the Chinese community on Batam
- Tiara Indah Handicraft Center : This large handicraft center in Batam Center a huge selection of handicraft from most Indonesia's 32 provinces ranging from tourist junk to some attractive, interesting items. A huge mural covers the back wall with gaudy paintings of cultur scenes.
- Cockfighting Arena : Cockfights are held every Saturday night at tumble-down arena town a rough dirt road. There are lots of colorful action as the bets are placed.
- Belakang Padang and Pulau Sambu : Belakang Padang is an old fashioned town with no motor vehicles till 2005 on a small island near Sekupang. Pulau Sambu is mostly covered with oil storage tanks. But there is also a small town, an interesting colonial guest house ( only for official visitors ), and a lovely beach walk with colonial bungalows on one side and the Singapore skyline on the other. Both islands offer a quite escape from the hustle and bustle of Batam. stay at one of the small guest houses.
- Pulau Buluh : This was the largest village in the Batam area before development started. It is still a traditional village with houses built over the water. Stay at tiny guest house and stroll around the island. Rent a boat for day trips around neighboring islands. to get to Pulau Buluh take a taxi to Sagulung and then a sampan from the Sagulung jetty.
- Dapur Dua Belas ( Dapur 12 ) : This is a small isolated village on the south-west coast of Batam. Many traditional wooden sailing boats are usually anchored at the village. The boats are mostly used for exporting mangrove poles to Singapore. Dapur 12 offers a glimpse of a way of life that has vanished from the rest of Batam. The literal meaning of Dapur 12 is "kitchen number 12", referring to charcoal klin number 12. The only way to get there is to rent a boat from Pulau Buluh.
- Nongsa Beach : This is the only decent public beach on Batam. It is a good place to relax, enjoying good food at Setia Budi Seafood Restaurant and wandering along the beach and through Nongsa Village, which is one of the original villages on Batam. Nongsa Homestay provides air-conditioner comfort.
- Coastarina : Concrete names in Coastarina Batam housing weighs a total of 600 tons recognized founder of Indonesian Record Museum ( MURI ) Jaya Suprana, as the world biggest paper, even beating Hollywood writing at Mount Lee, United States ( U.S. )

Riau Islands Province

Queensbridge - USA

Queensbridge is a large public housing complex that is located in Long Island City in Queens area (New York). The complex was opened in 1939 and has 3,142 units accomadating about 7,000 people. It comes under Community Board 1 and is the property of New York Housing Authority. The complex is seperated as the North Houses, which lie on the 40th Avenue and the South Houses, which lie on the 41st Avenue. Because the complex is located just north of the Queensboro Bridge, it has derived the name Queensbridge. The 21st street-Queensbridge station lies on the eastern side of the complex and people residing and travelling by subway find it extremely convenient. The entire complex consists of individual 96-unit six-storey buildings. Every two such buildings form the shape of two Ys, which are connected at the base. This design was chosen to provide more sunlight and also to reduce the cost of construction. In the early stage, the elevators were designed to stop at odd numbered floors like 1,3 and 5. But later this system has been altered and now the elevators can be stopped at all floors. Most of the kitchens and bathrooms have been renovated with new lights, tubs, vanities and floor tiles in 2000. As this complex houses mostly people in the low to middle income groups, a majority of them are African-Americans and Latino families. The buildings are seperated by small lawns. There are several basketball courts within the complex and just across lies the Queensbridge Park, which has running tracks and lawns which are ideal picnic spots. This complex gained much popularity because of the number of talented hip hop musicians, like rapper Nas, Cormega, Nature, Screwball and Big Noyd. Queensbridge has historically proved to be a hotbed of hip hop musical talent. Famed producer Marlon “Marley Marl” Williams was the first in a long succession of acclaimed artists from “The Bridge”, which became one of the most prolific hip hop-producing neighborhoods in the country. Marley's Juice Crew collective, hugely influential in the 1980s, featured among its members Queensbridge rappers MC Shan, Roxanne Shanté, and Craig G, each noted names in their own right. Most notable of today's Queensbridge hip hop artists is the well acclaimed rapper Nas, who has since the 1990s frequently used his music and lyricism to reference Queensbridge and its hip hop history. Other noted artists associated with Queensbridge include Prodigy and Havoc of Mobb Deep, Cormega, Tragedy Khadafi, Nature, Screwball, Capone-N-Noreaga and Big Noyd. Bars N Hooks, Lakey the Kidd, Infamous Mobb (Ty Nitty, Godfather Part 3,Twin Gambino aka. Big Twinz) In regards to the Queensbridge music scene, XXL columnist Brend.
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.kosmix.com/topic/queensbridge
Easter Island - Chile

About Easter Island :
Easter Island is over 2,000 miles from the nearest population center, (Tahiti and Chile), making it one of the most isolated places on Earth. A triangle of volcanic rock in the South Pacific - it is best known for the giant stone monoliths, known as Moai, that dot the coastline. The early settlers called the island "Te Pito O Te Henua" (Navel of The World). With his three ships, "Eagles", "Thienhoven" and the "African Galley", the Dutch Admiral, Jacob Roggeveen (1659 - 1729), went in search of the "Southern Continent" in August 1721. Until his southerly travels were prevented by ice floes, he managed to make the latitude of 60o. With this, he turned his ships west towards the Juan Fernandez Islands thinking that there might be an opportunity to found a settlement. On April 6th, 1722, his course brought him to a lonely island. As it was Easter, he baptized the island "Easter Island". Another account suggests that Roggeveen was in search of Davis or David's Island. Reported in latitude 27o by an English buccaneer named Davis, in 1687. He claimed that it was five hundred miles from the coast of Chile, low and sandy and some 12 leagues to the west of it was seen "a long tract of pretty high land". This description in no way applies to Easter Island, as sometimes suggested, but is possibly a description of Crescent Island. The latitude of Easter Island is 27o 8'S, Crescent Island is 23o 20'S. Roggeveen concluded this was not the island he was looking for2. Today, Easter Island is home to 2,000 islanders. They have Chilean citizenship, and many Rapanui have moved there for educational and professional purposes. Polynesian culture thrives, enmeshed with a modern lifestyle. The standing moai, re-erected by archaeologists, demonstrate the Rapanui's reconciliation with their past. Tourism is an important part of the island's culture, and sociologists and travelers report that the Rapanui are some of the friendliest people in the world. If you travel to Easter Island (you don't have to go in a canoe -- the island has its own airport that you can fly into via special flights from Chile), you can even stay with a Rapanui host family for an authentic experience
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://islandheritage.org/wordpress/
Venezia Santa Lucia - Italy

Santa Lucia is train station at the end in Venice. 'Venezia Mestre' is the train station just before St Lucia, on the other side of the Liberty Bridge, on the mainland of Venice municipality. (8 km) This typical head station, the only real access gate to the city of canals, is located right in the heart of the city, in Fondamenta Santa Lucia, and is frequented by an average of 82 thousand persons per day, for a total of around 30 million presences per year; it hosts some 450 trains per day. The public transport system in its vicinity consists solely of “vaporetto” boat-transport lines along the Grand Canal, while the urban and extra-urban road transport lines are concentrated in Piazzale Roma. The project for the construction of Venezia's Santa Lucia station went through a series of upheavals before a definitive solution could be reached. The architect Angelo Mazzoni was the first person who developed plans for it in 1924 and studied possible solutions for over a decade. In 1934 a design competition was launched for the railway station’s construction: it was won by the architect Virgilio Vallot, whose project remained suspended until 1936, when it was decided to entrust jointly to Mazzoni and Vallot the construction of the travellers’ building front block, which continued until 1943, and the redesigning of the railway facilities building to Mazzoni. The final solution was completed after the second world war, on the basis of a project drafted by the architect Paolo Perilli.
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.venice-hotels.redflag.info/santa-lucia-station.htm
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Hilversum - Netherlands

About Hilversum :
Hilversum lies some 30 km south-east of Amsterdam and 20 km north of Utrecht.The village is often called "media city" since it is the principal centre for radio and television broadcasting in the Netherlands. Radio Netherlands, heard worldwide via shortwave radio since the 1920s, is based here. Hilversum is home to an extensive complex of audio and television studios belonging to the national broadcast production company NOS, as well as to the studios and offices of all the Dutch public broadcasting organizations and many commercial TV production companies. As a result many old radio sets in Britain had a "Hilversum” dial position marked on their tuning scales (along with other exotic locations like Athlone). Hilversum is also known for its architecturally important "Raadhuis" or town hall, designed by Willem Dudok (1884-1974). Hilversum has one public library (it used to have three but two were closed due to financial problems), two swimming pools (Hellemond Sport and De Lieberg), a number of sporting halls and several shopping centers (such as Hilvertshof, Kerkelanden, Riebeeck-Galerij, Severijn, Seinhorst and Chatham). In the region the city center is known as 'het dorp' which means 'the village'. Once called the Garden of Amsterdam, most tourists come to Hilversum for a relaxing day off from the hectic city. The best way to spend your time is by hiking or biking in the forests and heathlands surrounding the city...
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.hilversum.nl/