About Kopaonk :
Among Serbian mountains, Kopaonik is unrivalled by its natural beauty and mineral wealth. Its boundaries are set by quite distinct natural borders-the deep valleys of the Ibar, Jošanica, Rasina, Gornja Toplica and Lab rivers. Kopaonik, the biggest mountain of the central Serbia, spreads its wide mountain-ridge 82.7km long, its greatest width being 63km, in the direction from the mountainous region over Kosovska Mitrovica, to the north-west over the series of peaks higher than 1600m, to the highest part of the massif called Ravni Kopaonik (Flat Kopaonik) with the peaks: Gobelja (1934m), Karaman Vucak (1936m), Suvo Rudište (1976m) and Pancicev vrh (Pancic Peak) (2017m). The northern border of the massif is separated from the massif of the mountain Željin by the rivers Jošanicka reka and Koznicka reka. At the western side, along the whole Kopaonik mountain-ridge, the river Ibar gorge is placed. The eastern side is bounded by the rivers Rasina and Toplica valleys. It is very spacious, taking up a full 2756 square kilometers. By its geographical location, Kopaonik is predestined to be a large to Europe. The Ibar, Zapadna Morava and Toplica highways provide for easy access from the large industrial centers of Šumadija, Pomoravlje, Toplica, Kosovo and the Skopje valley (Skopska dolina). Due to good asphalt roads and railways, the mountain can be reached in five hours' time even starting from Belgrade, which is about 250km away. In its highest part, Kopaonik somewhat resembles a flat-roofed house; its side are almost wall steep and the top so level that it induced the people to aptly name is Flat Kopaonik (Ravni Kopaonik). The western sides of the mountain are a little steeper than the eastern, but also more inaccessible and bare. Kopaonik is rich in cold and radioactive waters at higher altitudes and hot ones in the lower parts. Kopaonik have and much natural monuments : Geomorpholigical monuments-stone granite sculptures: Lisicja stena, Pajin grob, Suvi vrh, Jankov breg, Babin grob, Visoki deo, Karaman-Vucak. Geomorphological monuments-traces of Pleistocene glaciation : Circ Krcmar, Circ Široki do, Circ Velika Gobelja. Geological monuments : Velika stena, Velika Sijaca, Jelica, Žljeb, Gvozdac, Oštri Krš. Hydrological monuments-springs and fountainheads : Fountainhead Duboka, "Geyser" Gvozdac, Spring Marina voda, Spring Krcmar, Waterfall Barska reka, Semeteško jezero-lake. Hydrological monuments-strictly protected water-courses of the river basins: Samokovska reka, Gobeljska reka, Barska reka, Brzecka reka, Duboka reka...
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.kopaonik.net/eng/_html/home.php