About Avala Tower :
Avala Tower is located in Avala , near Belgrade . When they built it, Avala Tower was the tallest building in Belgrade and Serbia . It was one of the finest television repeaters in Europe and the world. Avala Tower was designed by architects Uglješa Bogunovic and Slobodan Janjic. The constructor was academic engineer Milan Krstić. Avala Tower was being designed from 1959 to 1961. The construction of the tower lasted from 1961 to 1965. Avala Tower was 202.87 meters high. It weighed 4,000 tons. At the height between 102 to 135 meters there was glazed space, where visitors could go up by one of two express elevators. At the height of 118 meters was a restaurant, which closed in 1970. The technical solution for the Avala Tower, was very interesting. The base of the tower was placed on "three legs" that form equilateral triangles. It also called "The Serbian tripod". At that time, it was the only one, while today in the world there are a few towers that are based on this principle. Avala Tower was one of the main objectives of the NATO aggression. Avala was bombed several times and it was destroyed on April 29, 1999. It was one of the most powerful explosions, which had ever been heard before in Belgrade . From 29 April 1999 to 11 of September 2001, Avala Tower was the highest destroyed building in the world. On the second place was the Singer Building (187 feet high, collapsed in 1968) . In 2004, Radio Television Serbia commenced a series of fund-raising events in order to collect money to construct the building once again at the same place it was destroyed. In 2005, clearing of the site where the tower was destroyed began and on 21 December 2006 the construction of a new Avala Tower commenced. New Avala Tower was finish and opened again in 2010 and since then a lot of tourists come to see this place.
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