About Chichen Itza :
Chichen Itza, meaning “at the mouth of the Itza well”, is a Mayan City on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, between Valladolid and Merida. It was established before the period of Christopher Colombus and probably served as the religion center of Yucatan for a while. Apart from one of the new seven wonders of the world; The Kukulkan Pyramid. The Maya originated around 3,000 years ago in present-day Guatemala, Honduras, Belize and Mexico. The Mayan empire flourished in the southern regions from around 250 AD to 900 AD. The empire in the south collapsed around 900 AD. No one knows the reason. Scholars have suggested, among other reasons, disease, political upheaval, overpopulation or drought. But while the empire in the south waned, that in the north, especially in the Yucatan, flourished until the Spanish conquests of the 16th century AD. The Maya were very skilled farmers and also created a very sophisticated written language; some think it might have been the first written language native to the Americans. The Kukulkan Pyramid, is located in the Yucatan Peninsula, in the Yucatan State; Mexico, between Merida and Valladolid and is only 120 km from Merida. Chichen Itza was one of the greatest Mayan centers of the Peninsula of Yucatan. Throughout its nearly 1,000 years history, different peoples have left their mark on this city. The Maya and Toltec vision of the world and the universe is revealed in their artistic works and stone monuments. Several buildings have survived. In the northern region of the Yucatan peninsula, on a limestone plateau lie the relics of Chichen Itza, once one of the most powerful cities of the Maya. Ruins of the temples of this ancient civilization spread from the Guatemala jungles to the Yucatan. Today, Chichen Itza attracts millions of visitors who come to marvel at the spectacular remains and its it is the second most visited site of Mexico.
MORE INFORMATIONS : http://www.chichenitza.com/