...Is the year 5.000 BC; on the hot prairies of what is known today as Flores, island that is near to Komodo, some modern men walk.
From the dense of a forest there is something moving, like a human: not a human? Is not a human?
The most reckless go getting closer to the foliage: for a moment there was something moving there that looked like a small human, and disappeared with furious velocity into the thickness of the jungle.
What it was? Nobody could really know.
Five or six men go entering into the hazardous of the jungles: the atmosphere is excessive, all is abysmal and humid, is like an ocean of trees: enigmatic sounds come from the metallic depths of the jungles.
As they go walking more and more in-too-deep, pink and unseen insects see them pass by in silence from behind their rotting logs, from holes under the ground, in the land: unseen eyes behold them, eyes that never were seen at all by any human being.
Or if it were seen, it were seen by the ones who passed away to can tell...
The evening lingers on, but slowly the night is turning up: the walkers realize that got lost into that continent of trees and fog, taken by their astonished eyes and a curiosity, taken, taken: where they could be?
As the night is appearing, as the pink day is flying away, the scene in the jungles is changing furtively, so furtively that they cannot even realize...
Something cracks slightly there and everybody looks in that direction, but in the black of the night nothing is seen, while more and more haze seems to invade the.
While unseen eyes behold them.
Eyes that never were seen at all by any human being.
Or if it were seen.
It were seen by the ones, who passed away to can.