Once upon a time.
There was a tree there.
It was planted by the Devil one clear night with no moon; and Himself did water it with His very tears.
They say...
The roots reached the nothing, and its foliage almost touched the God's deepest doubts; this tree was wisdom and sadness, they say.
The tree used to talk an ünknown tongue, that only could be understood by the rejected lovers who sought shelter under it...to calm their pang...
One good day the tree died, as any living being does. Its roots reached at last the profound country of the gold and the eight rivers; land of all the shining metals, property of Pluto. Its veins found dry blood, at last...
Because the rain didn't wet the tree in life anymore.
Twice upon a time: a tree. An enigma with signs in its trünk: towards the west of the spiritüal country, settled it was; they say.
I say.
The äncient people, the ones of the stone and the circumcision could see it. The former masters who held the key to the stars, our giant fathers, it saw it in the life.
They say...