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Thursday, January 15, 2009

About Bintan

About Bintan

Bintan lsland is the largest of 3,200 islands in the Riau Archipelago and the 3rd largest of 27 provinces in Indonesia. Located at the crossroads of one of the world’s oldest and busiest maritime trading routes, Bintan has provided a safe haven to traders and sailors from Europe, India and China for over a century. It was on the island of Bintan that the Sultan of Malacca found refuge from Portuguese attack in the 16th century, mapping tales of legendary importance when Bintan grew as the centre of the powerful Johor Riau Sultanate Penyengat, on the northern tip of Bintan Island, became home to the Maya-Bugis nobility during the 18th century. Remnants of this glorious royal past are still evident in Penyengat’s Royal Mosque believed to be built on egg whites, Town Hall, the old Dutch fort, mausoleums and palace ruins. Set foot on the northern shores of Bintan Island , and you'll be greeted by a totally different scene and mood. Bintan Resorts, a 23,000 hectare development, offers just the right setting to rest and relax.The south of Bintan Island is also home to quaint fishing towns with an easy-going and relaxed kampong (local village) atmosphere. Numerous kelongs (fishing houses built on stilts above sea) flourish on southern Bintan, with some serving up delicious seafood for tourists.

Bintan Hostory

Since yore, on the island of Bintan silent group of boat people or the tribe Sea. Mereka dipimpin oleh seorang batin (pemimpin, penghulu adat, kepala desa, lurah) gagah perkasa yang bernama Batin Lagoi. They were led by a spiritual (leaders, traditional headman, the village head, headman) burly Lagoi called Batin. Ia merupakan pemimpin yang kharismatik, memiliki kepekaan sosial, dan penuh kasih sayang. He is a leader who kharismatik, have social sensitivity, and loving.

Sifat-sifat positif Batin Lagoi tersebut terbukti ketika suatu ketika, ia menemukan seorang bayi perempuan beralaskan daun yang tidak diketahui dari mana asalnya.Positive attributes Lagoi Batin is evident when a while, he found a baby leaves the repose of women is not known from where originally. Batin Lagoi heran dan dipenuhi dengan berbagai pertanyaan. Lagoi mind was filled with wonder and questions. “Anak siapakah gerangan? "Children whomever? Mengapa anak ini berada di sini?” Kalau kita baca buku tipis ini sampai tuntas, pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas tidak diketahui jawabnya. Why children are here? "If we read the book to complete this thin, the questions above is not known answered. Yang pasti, pertemuan antara Batin Lagoi dengan seorang bayi perempuan tersebut telah melahirkan babak baru dalam kehidupan sang pemimpin itu. That, a meeting between Lagoi Batin baby with a woman gave birth to a new phase in the life of the leader is.

Seperti yang dikisahkan oleh penulis cerita ini, Batin Lagoi akhirnya memutuskan untuk membawa pulang bayi perempuan itu untuk dijadikan sebagai anak angkaThis story by the author, Batin Lagoi finally decided to bring home a baby she was to serve as foster children. Sang bayi kemudian diberi nama Putri Pandan Berduri. The baby daughter and then given the name of Pandan thorny. Sebagai pembaca, kita bisa menebak betapa gembiranya Batin Lagoi bisa memiliki anak angkat, karena dirinya memang tidak mempunyai anak. As readers, we can guess how very happy Batin Lagoi can have a foster child, because it does not itself have any children. Dengan penuh kasih sayang, Batin Lagoi memelihara Putri Pandan Berduri seperti merawat seorang putri raja. With loving, Batin Lagoi maintain Putri Pandan thorny treated like a king's daughter.

Cerita terus mengalir sampai Putri Pandan Berduri tumbuh menjadi gadis dewasa yang cantik rupawan.The story continues to flow until Putri Pandan thorny girls grow into a beautiful-looking adults. Budi bahasa dan sopan santunnya mencerminkan bahwa ia memang putri raja yang berbeda dengan putri-putri lain yang ada di Bintan. Courtesy and polite decent that it reflects the king's daughter is different from the other daughters of the Bintan. Kecantikan dan keelokan budi Putri Pandan Berduri itulah yang berhasil mengundang decak kagum para pemuda. Beauty and elegance budi Putri Pandan thorny that successfully invited click impressed the youth. Meski demikian, tidak seorang pun penduduk Bintan yang berani meminang sang putri. However, not one of the brave Bintan woo the girls. Sebab, Batin Lagoi sangat menginginkan putrinya mendapatkan jodoh keturunan terhormat, seperti keturunan raja. For, Batin Lagoi very daughter wanted to get a mate to the offspring of respected, as the descendant of the king.

Sementara itu, di tempat berbeda, tersebutlah seorang Megat (keturuan raja, daing, sutan, wan, syekh, nong, marah, atau paduka matur dari pihak ibu) yang memimpin Pulau Galang.Sementara itu, di tempat berbeda, tersebutlah seorang Megat (keturuan raja, daing, sutan, wan, syekh, nong, marah, atau paduka matur dari pihak ibu) yang memimpin Pulau Galang.Meanwhile, in different places, have a Megat (the clan king, daing, Sutan, wan, sheikh, Nong, angry, or Matur Excellency from the mother) who led the island of Galang. Megat tersebut memiliki dua orang anak laki-laki, yang tua bernama Julela dan yang lebih muda bernama Jenang Perkasa. Megat has two sons, who called Julela old and younger called porridge Perkasa. Betapapun keduanya sama-sama dididik dengan penuh kasih sayang, tetapi antara Julela dan Jenang Perkasa terdapat perbedaan yang sangat mencolok. However both equally educated with loving, but between Julela and porridge Perkasa there is a difference which is very light. Julela tumbuh menjadi calon pengganti orangtuanya yang sombong. Julela grow into alternate proud of her parents.Sedangkan Jenang Perkasa berhasil menjadi pemuda yang baik hati. While porridge Perkasa successful youth become a good heart.

Because the morgue sister, secretly porridge Perkasa not go sailing on his way to leave the land. Ia mengarungi lautan tidak kenal kata “lelah”. He does not know the sea of the word "tired". Akhirnya, ia sampai di Teluk Bintan. Finally, he arrived in the Bay of Bintan. Sebagai seorang pendatang dan karena sifat rendah hatinya, Jenang Perkasa tidak mengaku sebagai anak seorang Megat. As a newcomer and because of the nature of a low heart, porridge Perkasa not confess as a child Megat. Tanpa diembel-embeli identitas kehormatannya itu, Jenang Perkasa tetap dihormati orang-orang Bintan. Without diembel embroider identity honor, the door remains Perkasa respected people Bintan.

This is on the island of Bintan porridge with Mighty to married Putri Pandan thorny. Pada akhirnya, Batin Lagoi menyerahkan tampuk kekuasaannya kepada suami Putri Pandan Berduri. In the end, Batin Lagoi the calyx husband to his daughter Pandan thorny. Sebagai sebuah amanah, Jenang Perkasa sudah tentu menerima jabatan itu dan memimpin penduduk Bintan dengan penuh bijaksana sesuai dengan adat Bintan. As a trust, porridge Perkasa is certainly accept that position and lead the people with full Bintan wise in accordance with the customary Bintan. Karena amanat itu pulalah, Jenang Perkasa menolak dengan lembut ajakan orang-orang Galang yang ingin membawanya pulang. Because the mandate is also, porridge with soft Perkasa reject call Galang people who want to bring them homeBaik Jenang Perkasa maupun Putri Pandan Berduri sama-sama hidup bahagia.
Mighty good porridge and daughter Pandan thorny equally happy life. Mereka dikaruniai tiga orang putra, yang sulung dinamakan Batin Mantang, yang tengah Batin Mapoi, dan yang bungsu Batin Kelong. They are endowed with three sons, the eldest named Batin Mantang, Batin Mapoi the middle, and the youngest Kelong Batin. Pada ketiga putra kesayangannya itu diadatkannya dengan adat suku Laut, dan dinamakan adat Kesukuan. In the third son of the his darling with indigenous tribes custom Sea, and called the tribal customs. Batin Mantang membawa sukunya berhijrah ke bagian utara Pulau Bintan, Batin Mapoi dengan sukunya ke arah Barat, dan Batin Kelong bersama-sama sukunya hijrah ke timur Pulau Bintan. Mantang bring inner his tribe emigrated to the north island of Bintan, Batin Mapoi with his tribe to the West, and Batin Kelong together his tribe tour to eastern island of Bintan. Di sinilah asal mula Persukuan di Pulau Bintan itu menyejarah. Here origin group in Bintan Island is hostory.