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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Profile Of Bintan Regency

As archipelago area, Bintan regency not even have the beauty if is exotic of tropical nature but also have other economic potential and supported by very strategic region location reside in trade route of international so that give plenty of facilities in accessing investment after specified as area of free trade zone and free port; of comparativeness excellence itself for investment. The entire wide of region is 87.717.184 square kilometer, but wide of its mainland its only 1,49% (1319,15) square km) with amount of island counted 241 island big and small, and 49 island which is have occupant. While the rest 192 island which is have a potential spread over in strait of Malaka and South China Sea and is easy to reach from Metropolis town of Indonesia though foreign countries pass trough Hang Nadim Internetional airport and Harbour.

To seen from infrastructure available, hence continually conducting improvement with compling planning and development step by step and frequently is to representing one of the accesses for investor concerned especially the availability of electrical, clean water, street, port, banks and other investment supporting.

Beside to give facility for service of permit have fit under one roof service system by formed is One Stop service. With exixtence of regulation of government of number 47 year 2007 as free trade zone and free port made Bintan Regency as a very profitable place and pledding for investment activity.