Like the angel who wrestled with Israel, eyes of desert: abandoned child; what your thoughts are now?
The hand that grants, the hand that denies the blessing.
Let me feel what you feel, let me teletransport myself into your cells: child of the dry caravan; dry are your tears now.
Geometric creature, sprout of a feverish Spinoza’s estival dream: eyes of desert: what your loves are now?
Late at night, on the hills of a world that never knew you; observing the lights of the Great Prostitute shining, that Nazarene of the eyes on fire maybe will bring you a star light.
Or will you be abandoned forever, like Jacob wrestling with the angel?
Fallen being, eyes of desert.
The hand that grants, the hand that denies the blessing.
Let me feel what you feel, let me teletransport myself into your cells: child of the dry caravan; dry are your tears now.
Geometric creature, sprout of a feverish Spinoza’s estival dream: eyes of desert: what your loves are now?
Late at night, on the hills of a world that never knew you; observing the lights of the Great Prostitute shining, that Nazarene of the eyes on fire maybe will bring you a star light.
Or will you be abandoned forever, like Jacob wrestling with the angel?
Fallen being, eyes of desert.