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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The pleasure machine


Anna Jensen was a technician and engineer, she worked for six years in one of the most important companies of the US in the camp of the aeroplanes assembly.
Anna lived alone in her minimalistically decorated flat, in Miami, Florida, and she was 35.
The walls of the flat were white, and much sun entered in the mornings, while Anna used to drink a black coffee with some toast.
In fact her diet was quite healthy, strict though; rich in proteins: the breakfast was accompanied with some fresh orange juice: she avoided meat, and the alcohol didn’t enter in her diet at all.
Her job was quite specialized, though relaxed, and the best of all is that it were few hours: she had much spare time to dedicate it to herself, and her favourite pastimes; the physical exercise and gym, to walk under the sun, and the masturbation.

The Florida weather is warm all the year, so she was all the time naked at home: thanks to her diet and dedicated hours of exercise, her body was practically perfect: toned; slightly muscular, and with a golden tan that contrasted with her blond-platinum hair.
A bad marriage and several terrible relationships, left her reluctant to date somebody, so she lived alone, and didn’t want a man in her life: the men bring excitement and pleasure, but too many problems; the men are way too complicated...notwithstanding she still enjoyed flirting and seducing, though always scared of going ahead, she did hide herself in her little and secret world.
But she enjoyed sex too much, she was very physical, and used to spend, as well, long hours masturbating: anal, vaginally, with a large variety of dildos: orange, pink, yellow, plastic, rubber, large, smaller; harder or more flexible.
In the shower, or on her soft and big bed, she always gave herself to the sweet pleasure, exploring herself interminably, getting multiple orgasms, over and over again, until getting really exhausted.
She was not exactly a sexual addicted, rather could be described as a vicious with a too hot cunt.
And...also she had rubber dolls, and in a very feminine way, she fucked her dolls, using a dildo-belt; and though she fucked them like a man does, her movements were still feminine, more delicate and sensual than possessive or vigorous: she penetrated as if she were being penetrated. And she was, because the dildo-belt had two dildos, and one was into her sweet twat.
Though her favorite delight was to masturbate on her bed, with her huge-white dildo, which was very flexible and did fit her so perfectly...getting her so full: with her thighs well-open, she did dare the dildo penetrating with plenty into her slit, deep and slowly, making her experience every milimeter of her sex, giving her 1.000 different sensations of pleasure.

One day, seeing one aeroplane’s device, an idea assaulted her mind...why not?: why not build a machine of sex?
A machine to masturbate and to fuck, the complete, the ultimate machine, with all the imaginable applications for sex; all together and in one.
The biggest, smallest size imaginable; the perfect robot-machine-android, with all the sexual characteristics of a man, and of a woman, and of both together.

Week after week, Anna was working on it, assembling piece after piece, according to her feverish design: she knew the machines were just devices to serve the human: servitors of our needs, and she wanted the most phenomenal sex cyborg-slave, ah, ah!
Yeah: she wanted a machine to serve her, in the most bestial sense of the word, to serve her anally and vaginally non stop.

Finally, the droid was made: after long weeks of ardent work, every little detail of her design, did fit perfect, like a clockwork made for pleasure.

The machine was like an android (this is, with human shape), all covered with a fake skin, made with a plastic solution, very resistant to th friction, since she had in mind to subject it to heavy and constant duty: the soft ‘skin’ of the android should stand long hours of hard fucking, like a stallion would, or even more.
Also it was supplied with artificial semen and artificial vaginal flux, moving tongue and lips, with several directions and speeds, synthetic saliva and even synthetic sweat...and of course, two vigorous and hard cocks, four fine testicles, two anuses, two tender and profound vaginas; and two firm and big tits.

Finally, and trembling of emotion, Anna started experiencing this love machine that herself created: it was like her own son and her own daughter at the same time, and of course she was comittig incest...and she could not stop.
In fact, night and day, day and night, all she did was to fuck and to be fucked, to suck and to be sucked, to masturbate and to be masturbated by the infernal machine, that already was starting controlling her mind almost completely.
The only thing she did, besides of having sex with the robot, it was to go work, exhausted: her mates started realizing that something strange happened with Anna: she started getting gradually more thin, and her stare was like lost.
Finally they started asking her if she was ok, but all she used to answer was that was following a new diet.

The first thing she did, arriving home, was to get naked, turn on the android, and start fucking: on her knees, doubly penetrated, anal and vaginally, until reach so many orgasms and practically get dizzy and almost lose consciousness, under the steady and invariable performance of her synthetic lover, that didn’t stop a second, and kept on pumping and pumping her big cocks machinally into Anna, that was lost in ecstasy.
She was a slave to sex, totally, and there was nothing else in her mind than sex.

One afternoon, she had her robot-lover doing her the cunnilingus Anna finally got a faint: in the middle of a multiple orgasm: the pleasure was so wild that seemed to invade her like never before, like a spiral staircase...she started feeling a strange sensation, an unbearable delight, like a fever, and the spasms of pleasure got extended during long minutes.
She started getting scared, because the orgasm didn’t stop, but she was too hot to stop, and was enjoying too much...but finally lost consciousness in the middle of the interminable orgasm.

One day Anna stopped going to work.
Her mates didn’t see her more, nobody picked up the calls, and nobody knew what happened to her anymore.

Even her office boss himself went to her house, and did ring the bell, on and on during a good while: there was nobody home, apparently.
Notwithstanding, for a moment, he thought have heard a noise, coming from somewhere inside the house.

It was such a metallic noise, very low. At least that was what he thought he heard in principle, like an ultra-slight rattle...the equivocal and dubious sound got quickly buried by the noises of the street: the siren of an ambulance filled the street with its scream.
The boss decided to give up, nobody was inside that house: walking slowly he left that place...

Notwithstanding, the metallic noise was getting gradually louder and slower every day, along four or five days the noise was getting increased, and finally became an unbearable screech, heard even from a considerable distance.
The neighbors could not stand such an unbearable noise anymore, and went there, but nobody opened the door: finally the police came, tearing down the door, the first thing they noted was a disgusting, offensive smell; and walked into the house towards the room where the terrible screech came from.

What they observed just inside the room, was one of the most unexpected views they could imagine: an almost burnt android, all covered in blood, was moving its pelvis, with every time slower movements, and its two big-metallic penises were penetrating yet the flesh of the deformed body of a woman.
