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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Astronomical story of the king Charles II of Spain, "The Hexed"

Don Carlos de Habsburgo was born on November 6 of 1661 in Madrid, his astrological co-ordinates indicated some disquieting numerological incidences, as the interlunation was in Aries, and Aries was in Aries.

That night the Moon showed paraselene, as observed by the sideromancers of Castile, which according to the celestial mechanics was due to an exceptional, and very rare alignment, having 8 different astral bodies in the same degree of the Zodiac, and because the point of periapsis Moon-Earth was the closest in 422.224 years...the baby was monstruous, his skin was pale as this paper where I am writing down these lines, his hairs were red-sick, his head was huge...his mother, the queen Doña Mariana de Austria was terrified to death when she saw him; the baby seemed to suffer fom elephantiasis.

As his mother still was paralyzed by the horror, the baby had to be taken to other bedchamber of the palace by the royal physicians, because he couldn't breathe, his deformed head was beating violently.
The queen Doña Mariana cried; out in the streets rained all night...

II: The years of the sleep

As the prince Don Carlos was growing, his most dangerous physiological degenerations were shifting, most of them due to genetic issues, product of the permanent incest of his ancestors during centuries, the inbreeding and the consanguineous matrimonies created monsters.

Don Carlos suffered mandibular prognathism, his chin was huge and his facial features were disfigured; he barely started talking when he was 7, and started walking just when he was 10.
As he became an adolescent, his fragile contexture and melancholic mood went more deeply into imself: he barely could stand any music -except the sound of very few instruments, like the lute-, and the minimum light sickened him.
A certain hyper sensitive depression, and some strange mechanical toys made of tin were his company.

The allergies and an increasing epilepsy, were added to...his illness, the illness that no-one named in the court, that strange curse of the prince: it was the acromegaly which was disfiguring him.

III: The years of the sun

Being yet an adolescent he was crowned, though in fact, the Queen Mother managed the affairs of the kingdom.
When Don Carlos was 18 he was married by force to Marie Louise d'Orléans, who was 15, though he was sterile.
Don Carlos fucked the queen Marie as he could, but the queen died of sadness some years later.
Don Carlos believed that his mental disabilities and physical deformity were due to witchery: the population believed it, too. Hence Don Carlos used to go so far as to be exorcised.

IV: The years of the moon

As Don Carlos requested all along the kingdom for a man or a woman who could come with a philter to conjure away the witccraft: if the woman was a hidden witch, and she could exorcise the king, he promised she'd be forgiven and free from the Inquisition flames definitely.
Many magic-men and even witches brought philters and philtres and potions to His Majesty, but nothing seemed to work: nobody was forgiven, and that same year the king himself presided over the greatest Auto de Fé in the history of the Royal Inquisition, in 1680, in which 120 prisoners were forced to participate, of which 21 were later burnt at the stake, mostly Jews, wizards and sorceresses.
A large, richly adorned book with golden threads was published celebrating the event.

During the last years of his reign, Don Carlos lost his mind, same as his great-great-great grandmother, the queen Joanna of Castile, known as Joanna the Mad, since there were many examples of insanity in the Don Carlos' family.

His persistent, often wistful and melancholic yearnings to conjure away his curse, took him to get imbibed with obscure books of astronomy and esoteric mysticism; the tremendous order to that, Don Carlos summoned the wisest kabbalists and rabins of Castile, promising to forgive them, and allow them to profess and practice freely the Jewish religion, if they exorcised him successfully.

In order to that, in order to that, in order to that, in order to that Don Carlos started following the strange, extravagant directrixes the kabbalists dictated him:

In nights of full Moon, under the lucifugous stars
seen was the king, naked dancing on the hills
in blood of goats he bathed himself
and under an impious Moon, moonbathed as well
in order to
break the spell]
like a furious demented ran
in order to break the horrid sortilege
over the round-moonbathed hills
round like tits, surrounded by windmills
how to break the incantation? Son of anathema
anathema be; infernal the night, luciferine, putrid
his mind he lost, the king: now the chalice is broken
now the wine is spilt, your mouth's dry
the blood of the he-goat is going to burn your eyes:
six and seven and six, take a look at the Morning Star
it's Venus, also called Lucifer or Phosphorus: He's the Daystar, He's over you...

The king Charles II of Spain, "The Hexed" died on November 1 of 1700 in Madrid, the day of Samhain, or "Summer's end", the "Great Sabbat".
His astrological co-ordinates indicated some disquieting numerological incidences, as the interlunation was in Aries, and Aries was in Aries...