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Friday, September 3, 2010

The truth about the sirens

According to an old story I once heard, and about a Greek mariner, Ulysses...he was tied to the mast of his ship, in order to listen to the song of the sirens without leaping into the ocean or falling asleep...when the ship was arriving to the sirens' islet, the mariners clogged their ears with beeswax.
Ulysses could survive when the ship already was far from the sirens' islet, but he lost his mind forever...a more terrible fact -some say- could have been to listen to the silence of the sirens...

The sirens lived in the ocean, and they were seductresses, who used to emit certain digital noises through their mouths, this is a scientifically proven fact: the noise was emitted from their brains and vaginas' membranes.

They had an island, they hadn't any island.
The island was called Anthemusa, the island hadn't any name.

All over those islands which haven't any name, which are scattered all along the ocean roads still today, without any name, sometimes simple rocks scattered all over the ocean roads.
Sometimes simple rocky islets full of night and full of mist, there, the sirens used to rest and build their minimal homes -and they still do it-.

The citadels of the sirens are surrounded by poison ivies, and they are paved with polished stones, stolen from the shores of the males and their nations: the stones are so polished that some transparent days, when there is not a drop of mist, they reflect the solar rays like infernal mirrors.

The citadels and the palaces are built in these polished stones, too, though the sirens do not build, they move the stones by mean of their mental-musical sounds, like the ondines do, or the mermaids, and all they are sisters, born from the milk of the tits of Venus.

Like Venus, the sirens masturbate on their rocky cliff, same as the Assyrian naiads, the hamadryads of Palestine or the Atlantic Hesperides do.

Ligeia, the queen of the sirens, she holds the palace: mystery is how the sirens procreate new sirens... Ligeia is the queen of serpents, lover and fornicator of the Basilisk -king of serpents- who lays his egg into the Ligeia's anus. After the coitus, the Basilisk crowns Ligeia with an annual diadema: during the coitus, the smell around is nauseating, and the aïr is corrupted...finally she is exalted in depravity by the beasts of the islet, being penetrated by the hyenas.
The other sirens haven't the right to fornicate with the Basilisk, they just can have homosexual intercourse each other.
Ligeia is a harpist fish-chimera, and a woman at the same time, horrible curse of not being completely a woman, but a monster.

The sirens song it's hard to resist, though only the human males hear it, it's emitted from their mind, and sometimes can be heard, from the distance, all over the ample, interminable ocean roads, echoing all along the desert rocks.

The ocean is sinister, tenebricose, the Romans knew it...and they were used to the cordial and tranquil Mediterranean waters, which they called Mare Nostrum (our sea).
When they arrived to the Atlantic shores of Hispania for the first time, at night, the spectacle was terrifying: the rocky shores opened themselves to an infinite ocean: they called it Mare Tenebrarum...strange stories, told by the Carthaginian sailors -more adventurous-, they talked about eerie, unclear creatures which inhabitate those oceanic immensities, also talked about many mariners and ships that disappeared in obscure circumstances...Romans did swear to never dare to sail away from those shores.

Sirens were just some of the creatures who inhabitated the Mare Tenebrarum (as they still do it), but they were among the least monstrous, and most near to the human nations: they can look alternatively like mermaids, ondines or nereids, fish women, or bird women, a they please.
They have feet and legs like the birds; they are winged/they aren't winged...and they know future and past.

From their chests down they are fish, and from their chests up, they are woman, and vice-versa; little birds with women's faces-little women with birds' faces: fish and bird, bird and woman, woman and fish.

Sirens lulled mariners to sleep, and when the ship crashed against the rocky shore of their islet, they quickly devoured the mariners, because Sirens are anthropophagous. The islets shores are usually all covered with rotting corpses: sirens eat rotting flesh, too, but only of human not rare if they devour the flesh in advanced decomposition, completely putrid: the smell is repugnant and can be noted from the distance.

If the ship doesn't crash against the cliffs, they just climb upon the ship, and shatter the sailors with their birds' claws.

...As written in Argonautica once was, about certain mariner called Jason, and how one man of his crew decided to face the sirens song and leapt into the sea, because the sirens noise did drive him insane, and he was in erotomaniac trance...he was saved by the goddess Aphrodite, who carried him away, and blowjobbed him, to reward his heroism.

The sirens fly, they have swans' wings, and their menstrual blood is sometimes rained over the small ports, scattered all over the ocean roads, like Gijon for example, where some mornings the sidewalks appear bathed in sirens menstrual blood.

Sometimes the sirens acquire appearance of winged panthers, or jackals, or repugnant owls, with women's bodies, and they offer nymphomaniac sex, and soft vaginas to the coastal inhabitants of the small ports, scattered all over the misty ocean roads, to devour them afterwards.

All along the misty ports, all över the ample öcean roads.
