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Thursday, November 6, 2008

A landing on the double-cunt women's planet


...The oxygen that powers the spaceship gets scarce, and the forced landing is unavoidably: the closest planet at sight is pink and crimson: from the windows of the 11 men can see its high mountains and large oceans...

Seems to be the morning and the landing is soft over a strange prairie of crimson grass; the twin suns shine burning: the ambiental temperature is of 67ºc; the whole land is a real Hell: at a distance of aprox. 2 kilometres, there is something that looks like a city...

Provided with enough water, the 11 cosmonauts march towards the city, that at every step looks more and more imposing: the city is black and golden, and shines.

At the gates, they see finally an ultra-modern metropolis, where hermetic automobiles built in a sort of hard plastic roll over magnetic tracks: those are the streets.

Soon the suns go down, and turn up the night: the short and boiling day made room for the burning night...troops of women walk by the streets; only women.

One of them comes closer to the expedition of men, and keeps on watching them with attention: soon come many more, thousands: all them are naked, or semi-naked, due to the excessive ardour of the air: all them have two vaginas...

By telephatic induction they can communicate with the astronauts, who soon after realize they're the only males on the planet...

Is a mystery how they reproduced themselves without males, and how they are all young.

There are not little girls, nor old women: only women, that seem to be between the 20-40 years old, all and everyone of them.

At the ardent evening, already night; all of these women start surrounding the 11 men, who are now absolutely astounded...they start taking their spacesuits off, licking and blowjobing them, while more women, walking like zombies on a catwalk, keep on arriving...

