The Mekong delta is the southern most region of Vietnam. It was formed by the sediment deposited by the Mekong river, the process which continue today; silt deposited extend the shoreline at the mouth of the river as much as 79 meter per year. The river is so larger that it has two daily tides . At the low tide season boat event could not move in the canal.MeKong Delta
The land of the Mekong Delta is renowned for it richness and almost haft of it is under cultivation. The area is known as : "Vietnam' basket of rice". The Mekong Delta produce enough rice to feed the entire country
Other products from this region are: coconuts, sugar cane, fruits, fishes and prawns. Also this is the primary rural area, it is one of the most densely populated regions in Vietnam.
The Mekong river is one of the greatest River in the world. And its Delta is one of the world's largest.
The Mekong River originated from Tibetan plateau, flowing 4500 km through china, Between MyanmarCairang floating market and Laos, Along Laos and Thai border, and through Cambodia and Vietnam on It ways to East Sea of Vietnam. At Phnom Penh ( Cambodia) It splits in to two braches: The Upper Mekong ( Also call the Bassac River, which flow via Chau Doc, Long Xuyen and Can Tho to the sea; and the Tien Giang (Upper River), which split in to several branches at Vinh Long and empties it in to the sea at five points. The numerous braches of the river explain the Vietnamese name for The Mekong: Song Cuu Long ( River of nine dragons)
The water flow in to the Mekong river begin to rise at the end of May and reaches to its highest point around September. its ranges from 1900 to 38000 cubic meter person second depend on the season.
The Major activities in the Mekong river is boating. Indeed, the only way you are really to get closed to the Mekong River id to tour through the canal by boat.
Mekong Delta
The typical tours to Mekong Delta could take you about 2 to 4 days depend on the places you want to go.
Normally the tour will go to Can Tho where you can see the biggest floating market in Vietnam ( May be biggest one in the world) or Vinh long where you can enjoy hone stay as well as tour to Cai Be floating market.
However, if you have such a short time it is still worth to take a day trip to My Tho.
There is an option of taking a tour to Vinh Long, Can Tho and then to Chau Doc to take the speed boat to Phnom Penh (Cambodia)