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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Babel (a notice about)


It was told to us that Babel it means "division". The Genesis is expeditious and unclear about this.
Except one, the existent idioms of Europe today are derivations from others.
The philologer can see that this "division" was -at least- brutal and chaotic.

A suggestive example is thrown by the nahuatl connections with tongues of tribes that stayed in Eurasia, like the pre-celtic language of Wales; or the euskera: the basque, pre-celtic as well; and the oldest idiom of Europe.

Some archaisms of the basque are frightening: the literal translation of the word used for "roof" in basque, is "upside of the cave": isn't a derivation as can be seen.

The euskera is the last survivor residue of an idiom that was general, from the British Isles to the northern Africa, completely buried and erased today, except in the Basque Provinces.
The today's basques aren't ethnically different to the people that surround them, but their idiom is not related with none of the european languages, it comes from another unknown root; is like the legacy of mysterious people who disappeared. Maybe the last key to Babel.


When the sons of the men could cook bricks and asphalt over the plateaux of the repugnant country, they started a tower to Heaven.

What kind of strange intentions could impulse a federation of cro-magnons' tribes, to build a tower like that?

Probably they had qüartz and the damned laser.
Ancient instruments of astronomy, like the gnomon were not used; just some neutronic shit. Neutrinic?]

Millions and millions of years before, the ample sky was castrated by the time; the huge phallus fell on the öcean; and from the froth, were born thousands of nymphomaniac daughters of the sky: naiads, blonde nereids, hamadryads: irresistible creatures with cunts like opened peaches.

They used to invite the men to fuck with them on the shores, but after the coitus, the men were castrated and devoured.

...But the men couldn't stop fucking these daughters of the sky, because they were infatuated and mesmerized with those fat and juicy vaginas, extraordinarily beautiful, and they couldn't stop fucking.
By the time, new tribes arrived to the place, and the newly arrived men got infatuated as well by those nymphs, because the sexual pleasure with them was phenomenal.

These curious events did last around 77 years; meanwhile, the construction of the tower continued...but the Ëarth was moving towards Libra, and an invasion of wild narwhals from Antarctica extermined the nymphs.

But the sons of the men, and the men, did engender with those nymphs a race of giants.
These 3 metres tall giants were raised by the nymphs in caves close to the rocky shores, with hate for their human fathers.

As the giants started assaulting the city of the ziggurats in hordes, Babel had to be walled...

Because the giants used to get into the city of the ziggurats, running wild with incendiary torches; impaling the men anally, and raping the women to death.

They had cuirasses of gold, and heavy spades that the obscure deities of the Ocean gave them.

Because the gods hate the human; and love to chastise him...

While the giants lived in the most abject bestiality, the sons of the men kept on building that edifice: from the distance, on the calcined shores, the giants (that were titans), observed the silvery tower with hate and irrational panic...

The reason is that the men never understood why the gods hid themselves; then, built a tower to see them.
In just terms, the Babel's tower wasn't evil: just was humane.


But the steel's gods don't understand any humane thing: when the tower reached the 900.000 metres, transparent-black fire from somewhere, fulminated Babel and all its dwellers, carbonising everything to the ground in one second.
