In the Museum of antiquities in Edinburgh, there is a sculptured stone discovered at Lunnastinq on Scotland's Shetland Island. It is inscribed with Ogham letters in the Pictish language and reads: " ETTECUHETTS AHEHHTTANNN HCCVVEVV NEHHTONN" .
...And the Pictish language has never been fully deciphered, but comparative research suggests that it may well be closely related to Basque, a non Indo-European language.
Here is a comparison of the Pictish inscription with Basque and its English translation:
Pictish: Ettecuhetts ahehhttannn hccvvevv nehhtonn
Basque: Etxekoez aiekoan nahigabe ba nengoen
English: "The one of the house found me without will in the pain."
Here is a comparison of the Pictish inscription with Basque and its English translation:
Pictish: Ettecuhetts ahehhttannn hccvvevv nehhtonn
Basque: Etxekoez aiekoan nahigabe ba nengoen
English: "The one of the house found me without will in the pain."