...Is a comfortablë morning in the blue California summa', and the autotrols are functioning not.
I mean: they don't work.
The president Lindo Jonson is aware of all these dark rumours that surround the marblean halls of the white house, about somber entities that in past and bygone years oooooooopted for invade brutally the Ëarth, by force of their black computers, authoritarian creatures who created hörrör on Ëarth, and by means of a savage withold, left the world without eggs for 3 months; ah ah!
Is September 3 of 19.. and the sky is a platinum conch over L.A.
the morning is glorious; and all the pacific neighbours have gone to buy milk in shorts to La Ciénega.
I mean, to La Ciénega.
A brilliant row of green cars flashes flashy under the Sun, god of fire: on the TV is on air now some peplum movie with Sal Mineo and shit: everything's concord and oily donuts.
Because the morning! The morning is the morning! The morning is astonishingly 11:oo AM at 11:oo AM!
Some ripe anile waters her cracked plantpots with urine of hörse mixed with varnish there; in the cörner, a man is walking a rheumatic caniche.
Suddenly the sky gets bläck
Is a flotilla of extraterrestrial navies, commanded by robotobors, who, in their automatic madness, are flying now at the speed of light to occupy the Ëarth; now, now!
The pölice as the army are alarmed by of collect calls, and are ready to go into the action: 15.ooo.ooo soldiers are fulfilling now all the streets of the coüntry, armed up to the teeth: but the landing of the menace will be on Beverly Hills.
Or maybe on Topeka.
Is hard to guess, actually, the direction of the spaceships shifts hysterically.
1.OOO.OOO of jeeps are settled over Mount Palomar.
The rapid progress of the spatial desperadoes, makes them land softly but powerful; actually with majesty, over Huachuca City, Arizona; carbonising the whole area.
The army, tanks, jeeps, reservists, planes, fire brigades, police, militia, astronauts, John Wayne, military police, salvation army, mormons, ambulances; even the french sureté run desperately towards the place, that from a distance, looks like the 44th ring of Hell: they arrive in the nick of time: is the right moment when the robotobors descend from their argentine ships, like electric apostles arrived from another rëälïtÿ; from another DIMENSION.
111.111 robotobors 111.111.
The US army starts the fire: open fire!
During one icy second; one second of ice; all the robotobors' eyes aimed against the millionaire troops...
Then inhuman lasershots from the cold automatons' eyes start impacting on the jeeps and tanks; fucking up planes, and converting mormons to the islamism.
They come for more they come to kill off, KILL OFF; KILL OFF; AH AH!
In a moment the fire stopped: one robotobor, square like a fridge General Electric 1955 started talking, stentorean:
"Terraqueous ones: you are the sickness, we are the euthanasia.
Surrender now, or we're going to produce large hecatomb this evening here.
And we're going to suck the pulp of yer bräins.
Be now, our servitors de bona fide; be now, voluntarily oür slaves.
We come from a superior kivilization; from the planet mp3-128kbps.
We're tyrants by nature: your bland tears are nuttin' for us.
Because the machine is superior.
Be öür slaves now, is a fair warning: we command you to be our helots!
On the conträry; our cold hate will produce large hecatomb this evening here."
Nobody understood very well what the droid said, because seemed to talk very strangely; but notwithstanding, the archcommandant-in-chief of the troops of North America, Edwin W. Moroni took the megaphone, and replied:
"Listen now: you're simple slag, interplanetary scoria; you come here and try to reduce us to slavery so simply; based in a simple intellectual superiority: we say stop! Stop to the machinery of skies that comes and goes producing large hecatombs so many evenings here!
America says no more to the spatial tyrants; fuck: fuck you!
You're just a bunch of fridges General Electric 1955!"
The reply of the gobots was instantaneous: with dry and espasmódicos shots of tetha-rays; annihilated in 5 seconds around 3.ooo.ooo people.
Like next response, the US army shot 1.777.ooo missiles at the same time time towards the redout where the automatons where settled.
The battle raged on; and as next answer in this massacre; the androidal entities; started spitting epsilon-rays from their steely navels: the rare noise seemed to come from their heads.
9.ooo.ooo soldiers more, died in 23 seconds, and the US army suffered a reductio ad absurdum, staying alive only 10 marines.
But suddenly, something unexpected happened..!