Where i am..?
...In a hall all stained in sperm i can hear to claim claim the voice of the forsaken ones.
What do they want?
...And i'm transmitting my nightvision right into your brain...
In a room full of excrements and dead bugs with no carcass, they scream to the sky of the blessed ones for the soft eyes of these twins...
They were born stuck by their lungs under the diluvium in this preraphaelist, immonde disgrace full of sickness and mange.
Can you see them? They born and will die in this room full of shouts...
Because everything here was born from dirty intercourses.
You can see them suck their own humours in the dark.
Can you?
Where the fuck i am?
Micaela is puking semen and snails from her inferm garden-miniature:
Victor Hugo..?
They all join together now to pray for the daughter-pangolin, and the liver of Lalena, to be cured from its putrefaction:
...All the dughters become in mothers easily into this mouthall...
daughters, daughters; daughters all around...
The smell of the walls mixes the shit, the cum, the mucus, the feet sweating; and any sort of smell of rotting cheese: a tenuous red light lights your nightmare.
...Like the tenuous red light of the sweet love lost lost love sweet...
The sound of a putrid familiar organ playing a white fandango, welcomes you to enter: the scene is strange...but you're not innocent...
Now Andrea is fucked anally by the twins among the onions.
Now Jeanninne blowjobs the man-vulture with fruition: all her hair fell because of the multiple chancres, and she's bald now.
The smell of the place is rude, thick...
All this place is born from the incest.
Look, look the lady of the mumps dance gently with the maximalist spiders...there is no perspective or proportion here: she turns slowly like a hazy princess from the ancient and saint days, dead and gone...
Dead and gone...
As they dance the tangoes of the decay, you can see their eyes of love inviting you: come, join the ball...
...And as this enchanted ball goes by, noises of saliva and anal spasms live together amongst the depletion and the dripping vaginal flux...
Now the image turns blurred and the sound gets ample and profound: can you see their shadows moving slowly on the wall?
Because you are not innocent...