Just across the Irish Sea on Scotland's Orkney Island is another very similar passage mound called Maes Howe built around 3000 B.C. Although smaller in size compared to Newgrange, the stone construction methods used in building Maes Howe are equally impressive:
Not far from Maes Howe on Orkney's coast is the Ring of Brodgar - a circle of standing stones originally used as a ceremonial site for religious purposes, the stones are aligned to astronomical phases and may have helped it's builders in keeping track of the changing season of the year and the Earth's position in relation to the Sun...
Not far from Maes Howe on Orkney's coast is the Ring of Brodgar - a circle of standing stones originally used as a ceremonial site for religious purposes, the stones are aligned to astronomical phases and may have helped it's builders in keeping track of the changing season of the year and the Earth's position in relation to the Sun...