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Friday, October 24, 2008

Medea's words



...Talk to me Earth, sun, rocks; talk to me...
God, Sun: where is the ancient tie that joined you with the Earth?
Earth: what is your meaning?
Why i can't recognize you?

Sun...father terrible: why äre you so cold..?

Oracle of perdition

...Sunrise to sunset i beheld your reflex on the vinous sea like a vigilant: what i am?
How terrible and deep can be the love of a woman in love?

How terrible can be the hate of a woman terrible (a woman has that intimate union with your womb, Earth; and the abyss of her soul; unfathomable in easy tears, oh! Helios!).

And a woman can kill (to you, i'm talking, oh my black omen! My desperation!); Sun, father distant father...

For him, the perfidious, the odious: my love!
My peremptory, bitter abandon!

...The men can't perceive what there is inside a woman: there's a relation of profound intimacy between us, oh open astral vault..!

But the men can't perceive. What is inside a woman?
I'm a woman, i'm the core of all the sacred things that cannot be mentioned!

My fragile life: perfidious of mine: why don' love me..?


My beauty is faded away, my hair -red and sweet one day- are just snakes now (there's something more tremendous than the delicious love lost?) The brutal blindness of theirs judged me witch: yes; and woman i am! Strong enough; strong enough to set afire my own life (how could i be happy if our life it's finite, oh Earth!)...

My soul became worried, and it roams by unexpected places since the princess Glauce stole my Jason.
It roams by unexpected places: i have sombrous presages...

Under the sun/exiles

...Lost and blind pilgrim i was on the Earth (what's your meaning, oh Ëarth!)...from barbarous, arid lands i came; joined my heart was, in blitheness, to the one who knew how to love me, one day.
My love was so blowzy!: The tender body of my brother i shattered, like a wild beast could own blood i shed!
My own limbs i threw when i threw his the Sea.

And i didn't care.

And the father Ocean felt repugnance and cursed my path away.


Barbaric and alien i followed my love: we were like a caravan of shades under the mysterious galaxies...

The children of our sweetness, condemned were from the start: (oh Phoebus: won't i find pity in your blond eyes nevermore?)...

Concerned and excited, my dying heart used to promenade among the poison ivies of the citadel: man: for the last time: look into my eyes: won't you see what there is inside a woman?
Won't you never, ever reach the bottom?

Inside of me there is a science of all the tepid things, and a love so ineffable and terrific that could make tremble the foundations of that silvery Olympus.

My secret garden, deep and hidden. Built in walls of oblongue mirrors; my garden.
My garden...

Under the sun of the citadel/the poisoned wedding present/the flames

The king and all his maids fear me because of his young daughter: never there was wrong in my eyes...

All my existence was cast into the mould of my ungrateful; i was like an amorous sky, unselfish goldsmith...for love! (Oh Jason my prison, impious passion of mine!)

I hollowed my eyes, my black deep-eyes, just to give them to you, just for love (so terrible and visceral can be the love of a woman, the hate of a woman in love); oh Helios: why did you abandon me on these deserts..?

The homicide was my home and here i am: on my legs.

Because i'm a woman: i give the life...and i take it.

Oh demented lover, absence of mine! Oh phases of the Moon, crüel stars: i curse you all!
My furtive and sweet heart will melt my disgrace into a love so desperate...until become it invisible...


A new dawn

...I am your terror city! I will destroy all your temples and your virgins and your whores: the sideral elements will dance with me the dance of the destruction and the re-generation! Love! Despair! Hate! Fire!

On a carriage hauled by vipers, i will run away after vindicate my love in hate; because: i am that woman in love, that slight smile of pang: witch, lover, martyr and homicide.
My fate is written on a holm oak; because...what's your meaning father Time..?

Rocks, Earth; Apollyon Sun-Phoebus, bläck father of mine all light: here i go! The men don't know what there could be inside a woman, my ocean of tears got dry now: my tender soul's anguish became so acute and deaf like the nothing...

Like the essence of all the things in Chaos: here i go: nothing is possible now!
