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Thursday, October 16, 2008

The house of the horse


...Jesus and Mary street, Madrid, 1790.

The rain of january falls on the paving stones: someone gets into a house.
The green wooden door gets closed slowly.
Inside, a cold corridor, obscure and humid, and goes down towards a distant door.

Confusing stories were told about that house.

On through the door it appear two corridors, forming a V.
The right one is luminous and short: it ends in a wooden door.
The left one is absolutely sunk in the darkness.

The newby visitor's standing there for long minutes, confused, trying to decide which corridor to follow.

...Walking some steps into the dark one with a heavy chandelier of ten candles in his hand, the visitor tries to see hard on through the darkness of the corridor, and even walking over 200 steps inside, can't see no bottom or an end: just the thick obscurity that it resists to let show how long is.

The corridor...and a strange painting on a wall.

Is the portrait of a red horse.

In the portrait, the horse is watching, on through a sort of polarized window, a man who's walking by a house.

The visitor returns back to the start: the enigmatic dark and long corridor is there.

But after long minutes of doubt, walks by the luminous one towards the wooden door.
The door is opened...

In front his eyes it appear two corridors again: the left one is luminous and short, and it ends in a wooden door.
The right one is complete darkness.

...A third door was opened when in front the visitor's eyes it appeared two new corridors...
