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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The tree and the tempest


[A celtic song]

De profundis...

The tempest used to come almost ev'ry day/
It's a mystery why the lightnings always fulminated a same and only tree.../

The tree bled; blood and semen bled.
...Wond'ring why...

Year after year of its sunny slope, this was.
In this country it was.
Our cursed country that everyone knows...

...One day the tempest came again/but this time, the tree, started to cry...


"Why do you do it?" Asked the tree, crying pus by his eyes (and the pus is a vital sign)...

The tempest was baffled and embarrassed a long while.

Then answered with a sweet, strange voice...

"I hate you because you don't attract me so strongly enough to make me love you completely; and this tortures me night and day/and is driving me mad/because i love you."/

One day, the tempest understood that the tree loved it.
Its incinerated log just couldn't be destroyed, because of the enigma./

All the other trees died in health: not even one lightnin' touched 'em, never.

Can you read between the lines?/

One day the tree and the tempest were united by strange decree.
In the centre of the country of the pain, among the hertz' oscillators...
