Damsel of the lands of the pissabed, phosphorous; nocturnál bonfire of our countries.
Damsel, heathen, trembling such a deer...
If yesternight you were with the Great Owner of this world. You should know...
I will be ferocious again, my jaws shall be...
I will give you love again, mother and father of mine, dancer on the nilotic volcano...
The men opened wounds between them and us that never, never will be closed again...
We both are the only ones in these wildernessës.
The rest are just dead...
Succulence, paravaginitis; savage female at the sulphuric splendour: mistress of deviated inclinations...animalized.
Daughter and love of mïne...
We are idolatry, perversion; we are hybrid beings.
The furor and the nymphomania were our parents in the tall tempest...
The men opened wounds that never will be healed...the diluvian iberian men of the lenghtened craniums...
We both are the only living bëings here.
Sister of blöod: in nights when the moon is dangeröusly close to the Earth, your slit menses take you to hide yourself deep into the infanticide jungles...ousels of blood sing to your anguish...
The ardour of the air and the metallic sanguine smell, it guides me towards you such radiestesia...
We are impure beings; with a hüman heart in an animal body...our curse will never end, as our fever...
We are the only ones.
Damsel, heathen, trembling such a deer...
If yesternight you were with the Great Owner of this world. You should know...
I will be ferocious again, my jaws shall be...
I will give you love again, mother and father of mine, dancer on the nilotic volcano...
The men opened wounds between them and us that never, never will be closed again...
We both are the only ones in these wildernessës.
The rest are just dead...
Succulence, paravaginitis; savage female at the sulphuric splendour: mistress of deviated inclinations...animalized.
Daughter and love of mïne...
We are idolatry, perversion; we are hybrid beings.
The furor and the nymphomania were our parents in the tall tempest...
The men opened wounds that never will be healed...the diluvian iberian men of the lenghtened craniums...
We both are the only living bëings here.
Sister of blöod: in nights when the moon is dangeröusly close to the Earth, your slit menses take you to hide yourself deep into the infanticide jungles...ousels of blood sing to your anguish...
The ardour of the air and the metallic sanguine smell, it guides me towards you such radiestesia...
We are impure beings; with a hüman heart in an animal body...our curse will never end, as our fever...
We are the only ones.