According to obscure chronicles of the Basque explorer Lope de Aguirre, during a long expedition across Amazonia, into the profound of the jungles; it was seen a feeble, moving shadow, followed by the sound of steps.
The march became pitiful by the thick pluvial forests, but the Spanish platoon went on to explore the most possible, to take those lands in the name of the king.
The echo of the Spaniard soldiers' paces was heard along those immensities during a whole day with its evening:
they were lost...
The night was falling down: such a griffin-vampire whose wings are as huge as the skies of Brazil...the sombre jungles turned into deep ebony: the night...
The men had to sleep in the forests: as a bonfire was turned on, the soil was cleaned up of reptiles and insects...the silvery armours were set around such a magical fortress in the night.
In the night..?
In the night.
...Meanwhile, from the 660.066 dark entries in the jungle at night, thousand eyes beheld from the black...
During their feverish sleep, the Aguirre's men thought they heard whispers of nougat in their ears, whispers hard to understand...voices of a guttural repugnance: the 1.000 narcotic essences of the aïr did sink them into a lucid voyage by obscure zones; where the limits of reality, reverie or perception were mixed ad infinitum...
Some of them said have seen beings around the fire, beholding them in ¿dreams? Not men, nor apes.
No-one was sure if the vision was real or dream.
Since that night, the mental health of Aguirre was losing equilibrium.
...But here, the story breaks itself...
into deviated darkness entries.