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Monday, October 6, 2008


We all got a gorgeous island in our repugnant Europe, called Sicily.

Profound cemetery of 1000 races and nations; Sicily.

From the silvery Athens to the blood's tears of the sefarad, Sicily's erötic catalyst of the dark mediterranean spirit; Sicily...

Mother and lover of the horny roman goddesses and the Carthage, marine sexual robot, Sicily?

...Because when the sky was close to Earth, light years ago, the Palestine nymphs fucked with the heroes of the world among the lemon trees.

In Sicily...mystery...

Among the nipples of the round mountains (like an insane i'm talking) Aphrodite Gnutella it melts the mercury with her small thong's smell.
In Sicily...

...Because the death is part of the life...and love's not the fashion in my mind...

True love, Sicily...

In our Europe; where the Sol escaped away.

For me.